NASA social media platforms

Overview of the organization

Despite the fact the social media has for long been used by organizations to stir online exposure and digital presence in the society, NASA adoption of social media in 2008 aimed at finding a social presence in an attempt to increase the company’s exposure to the world. The company aims at bridging the gap between being presence in the physical world and being online. Since the company started to launch the social media platforms in its administration it is now able to take its online experience offline. The company is now able to advertise certain events through the social media (Qualman, 2013). The social media platforms such as facebook and Twitter in NASA are used to expose the society the issues regarding the world discoveries which have remain behind the scene for many years. NASA believes that by connecting the physical and the digital world it will be in a position to boost its exposure as a company. The use of social media platforms in NASA has enabled it to explore the universe rather than advertising itself. The work will describe how NASA uses different social media platforms as well as analyze the strategies it uses to communicate with its intended key audiences.

Social media platforms used by the company and their history with social media

NASA understands that the space is interesting to millions of people around the world and the aspects within it should not go away without being reported. In 2008, the company decides to go online by launching the common social media platforms such as facebook and Twitter. In 2013, the company decided to adopt another social media platform (instagram) in order to inform the society in regard to the different perspectives of the space (Qualman, 2013). The company understands that it is the first person with the potential to see all the wonders in the world and bring them closer to the people. Astronaut’s posts in the social media have been the biggest part in NASA because it has managed to attract thousands of followers in its social media platforms.

NASA social media campaign

NASA has a world wide social media brand strategy that is ambitious and carefully planned just like those of Hollywood. The company has become a public agency in the space and using the social media platforms to post pictures and the wonders happening in the world. Given the barriers of exploring the space, NASA realized that the use of social media was a reliable source of information for further discoveries (Qualman, 2013). The social media strategy for the company came to force in 2008 when it launch the Twitter and facebook social media to the space. Since then, the company has opened more than 500 social media accounts over its agencies such as rovers, laboratories and astronauts.

Given the company success in the social media it has managed to become a number one advertisement brand for other organizations. Since Instragram is a good social media platform that aims at informing the people about their surrounding using pictures, the company decided to adopt it in 2013 because most of its messages are concerned with the picture. The mission of NASA since 1958 has been to reach as many people as possible (Qualman, 2013). The adoption of the social media strategy has become the greatest move that the company has taken in order to attract thousands of people. In order to avoid breaching the social media platforms intellectural property rights, NASA have ensures it acquire the right legal procedures from the companies. Nevertheless, the company has ensured it is in the three famous social media platforms which are facebook, twitter and instagram. NASA understands that there are millions of people across the globe in these social media platforms. Hence, by posting its discoveries in these platforms it would be in a good position to learn its strengths and weakness.

NASA SWOT analysis

The use of social media platforms in NASA has been of great importance to the company because it has been able to reach its target population as its charter had stated during its launch. The company has been able to learn some of its weakness in its discovery. Through this is has been able to do more discoveries into the space. The company has also been able to inform the people about what happens in their surrounding something that have remained behind the scene for years (Qualman, 2013). The weakness of adopting the social media platform by NASA is that it has to ensure that it balances its post in all social media platforms. Posting of pictures in the instagram might bring legal problems with other social media companies such as Twitter. The threat associated with NASA use of social media platforms is that it may face competition from other space exploration companies. The opportunities for use of social media platforms by NASA are that it would be able to conduct more discoveries in the space and attract more followers.

Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the social media strategy

The use of instragram as a social media strategy has been a great achievement for NASA in its space discoveries. The feedback from the social media platform has enabled the company to understand its strengths and weakness in its attempts to discover the happenings in the space (Qualman, 2013). The adoption of the social media platform has been effective for the company because it has managed to capture millions of followers across the globe.

Recommendations to the company

The company should go ahead in adopting as many as possible social media platforms in order to ensure that there are many followers into its account. NASA has the responsibility of balancing its posts to these social media platforms in order not to interfere with their intellectual property rights.


Qualman, E. (2013). Socialnomics: how social media transforms the way we live and do business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John, Wiley & Sons.