

After taking this course, my interest to music started to grow and I now have the opportunity to express my full dedication, love and devotion to classical music through a research of one of the greatest music composers of the time by the time Ludwig van Beethoven (Kinderman &William, 2015). The research paper in introduction to European Classical Music 200 will basically discuss how Beethoven although deaf became the biggest focus as far as the quality of music was being expressed. The research will focus on Beethoven’s huge transformation and collaborations in the art of music that influence people today with stating the fact of his dramatic changes in orchestrations, phase length and melodic structure.

Topic paragraphs

Beethoven’s romantic music will be the main focus of the discussion in the research. The topic is of great importance to me because it will assist me to learn and understand the art of music and also the culture of different European regions. Therefore, further research would assist me to gain greater intelligence in regard to the musical discoveries of Beethoven. Based on this argument, Beethoven can be seen as an aspiration to the world of music (George, 2010). Although he had already lost his sight, this did not deter him from wring and singing classical music which is still embraced by many artists in the world. He is a good model to many people especially the artists that dreams cannot be achieved without hard work, sacrifices, and passion.

The work of Beethoven is regarded to be a huge transformation in the world of classical music because despite that he had bodily weakness he never lost hope for the future. He therefore came up with strong message of love and passion through music (Drake, 2009).  The coming up with appropriate music that calls for the society to love and to be loved is a great call which is also passed by the modern classical music. Most artists embrace the effort made by Beethoven in ensuring that the voices of the weak in the society were respected and given the right place in the society.

He was a role model in passing the message of love and a showcase that disability is not inability (Peterson, 2011).  The orchestrations, phase length and the melodic structure used by Beethoven were traits in music which past and present musician was interested to embrace and use in their music. Beethoven was so much extra-ordinary because no classical artist who would match his potential.


The research will conclude by showing that Beethoven was a great transformer in the world of classical music. The research will aim at showing that the musicians and the society should be in a position to use their weaknesses as potentials to transform the world.  In the same case, despite Beethoven having lost his sight this did not hinder him from coming up with classical music which was innovative and transformative to the society (Brendan, 2011). My personal opinion in regard to this research is that Beethoven is a great musician of the ancient and the modern times because his music was collaborative and transformative. It was a sign of love to music and the people. He used different styles and rhythms to attract a big audience in the past and even today. Beethoven is a great classical music savior and innovator because his musical invention is still evident in the classical music even today.



Kinderman &William. (2015).Beethoven. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.

Brendan, G. (2011). The Beethoven Obsession . Melbourne, AUS: New South.

Drake, B.(2009). Beethoven Sonatas and the Creative Experience. Bloomington, IN, USA: Indiana University Press

Peterson, M. (2011). Beethoven transformative and collaborative classical music. Oxford University Press

George, K.(2010). Beethoven aspirations through the word of mouth. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.