Recall your favorite early childhood activities. Did you prefer gross motor oriented activities or fine motor oriented activities? How did you spend most of your time? Do you remember any activity that you wanted to be able to participate in, but you were not physically coordinated enough to do so? Can you recall a time of triumph, when you accomplished a particular feat for the first time?

Recall your favorite early childhood activities. Did you prefer gross motor oriented activities or fine motor oriented activities? How did you spend most of your time? Do you remember any activity that you wanted to be able to participate in, but you were not physically coordinated enough to do so? Can you recall a time of triumph, when you accomplished a particular feat for the first time?



Yesenia: When I was young I had two neighbor friends that I loved to go outside with and explore or play games with. I remember I had got roller blades one year for christmas and my friends didn’t have any so we all shared my one pair. After about a week or so later their parents had bought them some also. We were obsess with these rollerblades for about half of the year. When we finally got sick of them we were either exploring bugs or hanging out in the front of my apartment that had a gated garden that we would climb on or look for lady bugs in the flowers. I believe I was very active when I was a child, I would associate my childhood actives more with gross motor activities. My friends were maybe a year older then me and a few inches taller then me also. When climbing the fence it had pillars that you can sit on, but weren’t really suppose to sit on. I wasn’t tall enough to sit on it, but my friends always did. One day I decided I was going to sit on it regardless if I couldn’t reach it and I did. Although as I was climbing down I was to short and ended up falling on my face with a scar on my eyebrow that I currently still have. I lived in that apartment until I was about 10 years old, and once I grew tall enough I sure did try to sit on the fence again and soon after getting off became a breeze. I definitely felt accomplished because I had been so mad before that my friends could sit on the fence, but I couldn’t ever reach it.

Trinh: I didn’t have many toys growing up, so most of the time, my siblings and I would play by running around and making up games that used pillows and other household items we had available. So mostly, I engaged in gross motor oriented activities. I remember really wanting to be able to do a cartwheel, and not being able to do it – I still can’t. I don’t remember feeling triumphant in my early childhood, but do remember when I got a bit older that I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was able to play double dutch for the first time without tripping.