Analyzing Advertisement Rhetorics


The advertisement in regard to different weed strains and the rate of pot dispensaries was established by the Leafly a world Cannabis information resource as an application and a website. The website establishes great reputation by eliminating the stoner image among the marijuana users.  In addition, the advertisement indicates that the advertisement might be helpful to the people suffering from the various diseases. The medical marijuana was passed in New York in the summer (Barbara, 32). The advertisement is aimed at sensitizing the patients in new Yorktha the dangers of using marijuana. Despite the fact that there are negative sides of using marijuana the advertisement believes that there are situation when the patients might be allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes. The audience for the Leafly marijuana advertisement would be the United States patients despite the fact that they might not find the use of marijuana to be good.  Through the use of the logos, ethos, and pathos Leafly advertisement tries to convince it audience that the use of marijuana might be useful to patients seeking MS symptoms and cancer treatment. Both the logos and ethos which use the textual evidence to support the marijuana use positively is the strongest part of the advertisement while pathos are the weakest part of the advertisement despite using a lady running and a successful elegant looking man.


The lady running and an elegant looking man are the strong are the textual features which correlate with the strong pathos. From the merely observation of the two pathos, the audience believe that marijuana may be of great help to them medically. Moreover, the logo and the website are the two major textual support features which weakly support the use the medical use of marijuana.  Both the textual support is in the form of periodic tables (Barbara, 12). The “Just Say Know” is about the Nancy Reagan “Just say no” while she was the first lady and the two are the textual features which are geared toward the target audience. The use of the textual features from Nancy Reagan would make the advertisement to be stronger in the category because she is a public figure.

The textual support in the textboxes with information backing the use of marijuana for the medical purpose is the stronger textual feature of the ethos while the use of the visual of successful elegant man and a running lady is the weaker textual feature of the ethos despite the two visual features eradicating the stereotype of a “Stoner.” The credible website in the form of textual support in the textboxes is an important textual feature that is geared towards specific target audience. The textual and visual features in the website build bridges through the use of hash tags. The advertisement feature uses the real world situation to portray the real picture of what is going on (Barbara, 18). The goodwill is created by the advertisement because it is informing the audience that marijuana is helping many people hence the US patients should therefore consider using is for medical purposes. It advertisement believes that the use of marijuana is for the sake of the society and everyone’s health. The advertisement uses the aspects of periodic table to grab attention from its audience. The marijuana strain abbreviation makes the advertisement stronger in the ethos category because it adds the overall theme of potraying marijuana as a substance that is essential to the world. The use of textual support ideas makes the advertisement to be very simple and yet so effective.


The message is for the audience for the advertisement to download the advertisement from the application or from the website.  The reason for the audience downloading the advert is for the United States patients to gain knowledge of the different strains that could potentially treat them.


Through the use of the logos, ethos, and pathos Leafly advertisement tries to convince it audience that the use of marijuana might be useful to patients seeking MS symptoms and cancer treatment. Both the logos and ethos which use the textual evidence to support the marijuana use positively is the strongest part of the advertisement while pathos are the weakest part of the advertisement despite using a lady running and a successful elegant looking man. The advertisement eliminates the stoner stereotype of using the marijuana and encourages the audience to use weed for medical purpose.

Work cited

Barbara, N.Beyond Rocking the Vote: An Analysis of Rhetoric Designed advertisement. 2012. New York Publishers.