How removing the scope-of-practice barriers from advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) affect or influence career trajectory. How will it benefit ARNP’s and society? What changes must be made to current healthcare architecture to achieve this goal. What are the disadvantages and challenges? Advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Topic: How removing the scope-of-practice barriers from advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) affect or influence career trajectory. How will it benefit ARNP’s and society? What changes must be made to current healthcare architecture to achieve this goal. What are the disadvantages and challenges? Advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Please refer to rubric below and follow criteria below

Rubric for paper:
1. Project Proposal (20%):
a. Purpose of the Project Proposal: This will be your initial proposal for the project you will be completing in this class. The purpose of the proposal to is to ensure the student is choosing a project that will enhance their understanding of nursing issues and trends and how this may affect or influence their anticipated career trajectory. This proposal will be an introduction to the ideas you have regarding the project you would like to complete for this course. The project will be executed in the form of a comprehensive literature review.
b. Guidelines for Completing the Proposal: The proposal will be reviewed and graded by the faculty. After review, the proposal will be granted approval, approval with revisions, or denial and assigned a grade.

The proposal must be written in an APA formatted paper (about 5 pages) and it is suggested you use the following criteria as section headers. A proposal, in essence, in a brief description of the project you wish to undertake. The proposal must include the following information:

Introduction to the project:
Explain the project you are planning to complete for this course. Describe the idea you have for a project. For the purpose of this assignment, this should be a brief description. You are trying to sell the faculty on the idea of this project being beneficial to your learning in this course. What will you be investigating in your review of the literature?

Applicability to nursing practice:
Describe the applicability of the project topic you are considering and the project itself to nursing practice. This section should focus on graduate level nursing practice.
Applicability to anticipated career trajectory Describe your career trajectory and the relation of your project to your anticipated career after graduating from a graduate level nursing program.

Description of a nursing issue and/or trend:
Describe the nursing issue and/or trend that you will be focusing on in this project. Include a brief review of the literature/evidence-based practice on this nursing issue and/or trend. A minimum of five (5) sources are required for this section.

Identification of a conceptual framework:
Describe the conceptual framework you have chosen as your guiding force in this project and why this is applicable to your project/topic.

Expected outcomes:
Describe the outcomes you expect to gain from completing this project. What is your overall goal and purpose of completing this project?

Grading Rubric
Introduction to the project 15 points
Applicability to nursing practice 15 points
Applicability to anticipated career trajectory 15 points
Description of a nursing issue and/or trend 15 points
Identification of a conceptual framework 15 points
Expected outcomes 15 points
APA and grammar 10 points
Total Grade 100 points