Write a 2 pages double spaced essay (but have little on pages 3) on one of the following topics:  Command system economy vs. Market economy The “Invisible Hand” Price ceilings and Price floors Price elasticity Externalities Coase theorem Theory of Consumer Behavior

This is a research paper and you must have at least three sources. You need to use MLA, style formatting. You must cite all quotations and sources. Please include a works cited page or bibliography

Write a 2 pages double spaced essay (but have little on pages 3) on one of the following topics:

  • Command system economy vs. Market economy
  • The “Invisible Hand”
  • Price ceilings and Price floors
  • Price elasticity
  • Externalities
  • Coase theorem
  • Theory of Consumer Behavior

Your essay will be graded on:

  • Logic and Organization: How well your ideas are developed and organized
  • Language: Effective use of sentence structure and correct word forms.
  • Spelling and Grammar: Correct spelling and grammar.
  • Development of Ideas: Explores ideas and supports points fully reasons effectively.
  • Purpose: The writer has made good decisions about focus, organization, style, and content so as to achieve the purpose of writing.