Nation Case Study – North Korea

NATION CASE STUDY: By the 1st week of class, you will be asked to come up with a developing country from any continent throughout the World that you would like to report on. You will be asked to gather information about it, and present some of the major issues facing it. You will summarize and evaluate qualitative and quantitative material about it. The paper should be double or 1.5 lines spaced, 12 font, (3-4 pages).

In order to adequately make your presentation and write your short paper, you need to answer the following questions: 1. Where does your country lie, what is its capital, when did it achieve its independence, (and from whom).Make sure to provide me with a map; 2. In what way is the country you choose a developing country? a. What are its major economic, social and political characteristics? b. What are its major assets (oil, industry, primary goods, etc….)? c. What are its major problems (e.g. poverty, civil war, famine, economic growth, etc…..) d. how does it compare with China on each of these 3 items; 3. Provide statistical data that support your discussion of the economic and social status of the country you are analyzing and compare it to China. This means that you need to collect data on China, as well as on your specific country. You can find the data from World Development Report and UN Human Development Report. You have to show that you used one of these two sources; and, lastly, 4.Cite (MLA or APA), double-space, 12 font, etc. and provide a Bibliography: Make sure that in your paper you make adequate referencing to your sources.

You have to give me at least 5 academic references (books and/or journal articles, not wikepedia). Consult the library or the librarian to help you learn how to find academic articles on your country. The CIA World Factbook:
is a good source to help you with your research.