write an analytical argumentative essay of 1000 words drawing on textual details of a single archetype and how its presence in two works contributes to the works’ artistry and quality.

o The Title is to be interesting and creative as it reveals meaning for your essay. It is not acceptable for your title to be Individual Archetype Analysis Essay or the name of your archetype. The title is to be centered at the top of the first page with no punctuation, no bold or italics, and in the 12 point TNR font that the rest of the essay is in. Your name, your archetype, the date and class period are to be in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of the essay, and pages are to be numbered.
o Syntactical variety, complex sentence structure, and integration of sophisticated punctuation (semicolon and m-dash use, for example) are to be used.
o Mechanics (10) throughout, your project uses proper grammar and punctuation, paragraphing, and spelling. Each error will cost one point; in remediation, only ten points may be earned back for this part of the score.
o Works Cited page containing sources that you reference throughout all parts of your product. (10). Be certain the format is correct according to MLA. All works referenced are credited. At least one symbol reference book is documented. All works you use are referenced. Using Wikipedia, Schmoop, Sparknotes, or any author-non-specific source will invalidate your analysis, thereby making your paper below passing. The analysis you are to do in this paper is to come from your own brain; otherwise it is plagiarism. Overall, you must have at least three sources; all sources on your Works Cited page must have quotations parenthetically documented and directly integrated into your analysis
o PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION, in-text citations, and direct and indirect quotations are used. MLA. It is never appropriate to begin a sentence with quotation marks. (10)
o The introduction (10) to your analysis may define your archetype from its ancient origins in a particular culture or belief system that ignited the archetype’s over-arching meaning at its very source. The introduction may also indicate the other areas you will examine in your analysis. Images may be used to explain your archetype. Numinosity and dichotomy are to be developed. I urge you to go beyond that which you read from a symbol dictionary. What are the sister/related archetypes that interconnect with your archetype? How are these connections meaningful? The thesis statement for your paper should indicate an overall theme revealed as your analysis examines the presence of your archetype in the following areas. The last sentence/s in your Introduction should read something like this: A close analysis of the water archetype and the imagery it creates in both William Blake’s Romantic poem “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” and in Jonathan Swift’s Restoration novel, Gulliver’s Travels, reveals the theme of large-scale human destruction in both works.
o The Body (10) of your essay will use two works of scholarly literature of your choosing from any two of the following areas: Drama/ Literature/ Poetry. Read TWO different works –with different formats—of classical, (1600-1798) Renaissance, Restoration, Victorian, or Romantic drama, literature, or poetry, and analyze your symbol as it is meaningful in a scene, a monologue, a play, an epic poem, or a novel. Both a brief summary of the work (one sentence is sufficient) and the analysis (commentary) of the archetype’s primary role in it are to be explicated. You are not expected to read the entire work; but this may be your Independent Reading for 1st or 2nd term.
o The Last Part “conclusion:” (10) The last part will apply what you have discovered about your archetype to current and contemporary art and reveal the evolution of the archetype’s meaning from its presence in the works you have analyzed to its presence in modern culture. Do not restate or summarize anything. You may create verbal unity by furthering ideas from the intro with new discoveries.

Objective: To write an analytical argumentative essay of 1000 words drawing on textual details of a single archetype and how its presence in two works contributes to the works’ artistry and quality. In the introduction, explain how the archetype is meaningful from its origins to its present incarnations in our culture with an emphasis on its presence in Victorian, Renaissance, Restoration, and/or Romantic Literature, poetry, drama, or prose. Use sophisticated sentence structure, parenthetical documentation, and present historical tense when writing about literature and art. Paper Prosepctus due Sept 10 (15 points mastery). Archetype Papers and Presentations due Sept 24 (25 MP); Essays (60 Mastery Points.)

Task: Using the archetype you have chosen from the list, consult symbology books (there is a selection in the classroom) to define your archetypal symbol, revealing the numinosity and the dichotomy inherent within the symbol. Research its origin; from what culture or part of the world does your symbol originate? Choose two works of differing formats from the Renaissance, Restoration, or Romantic eras that has literal primary reference to your symbol.

Procedure: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for formatting. See Grading Rubric in AP Grid.
• First page must have your name, your symbol, and the date in the upper right-hand corner.
• Center your original title on the first line (no bold, italics, quotation marks, etc)
• Works Cited page is accurate; thus, you will need multiple sources—three minimum.
• Use parenthetical documentation and in-text citation, integration of sources and quotations.
• Staple your paper, 3-hole punch it, and place it alphabetically in the binder on the due date.