“Status of Women in China Report”

“Status of Women in China Report” based on the current situation of women. The report should include the following:
Part A: History and demographics of China. This should include the following areas:
1. Politics
a. Type of political system
b. Type of party system
c. Overview of major political parties
d. Year women were granted right to vote
e. Percentage of women in legislature (if applicable)
f. Percentage of women voters (if applicable)
2. Demographics
a. Population
b. Percentage of urban vs. rural areas
c. Percentage below the age of 15
d. Percentage of women
e. Birthrate
f. Infant Mortality Rate
g. Avg. Household size
h. Mean Age at first marriage (men and women)
i. Life expectancy
3. Education
a. Education system
b. Literacy Rate
c. Ratio of Female to Male Enrollment
4. Economy
a. Gross National Product (per Capita)
b. Percentage of Labor Force by Industry (if possible, percentage of women)
c. Percentage of women in the workforce
Part B: Status of Women. An overview of women’s history in China, such as notable events, treatment, etc and traditional women’s roles. This section should also include: major issues that effect women, health and wellness issues, rates (and types) of violence, and any legislation addressing women’s rights.
The paper should be 7 pages in length
10 scholarly works