Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction. General methods: Rewards & recognition (quantifiable-in terms of money?). Opportunity for career progress (clear & visible path). Fairness & treatment. Appropriate role. Encourage socialization within the organization. Congenial workplace. If they lack confidence in leadership, morale will be lowered. Equal employment opportunity. Effective upward communication. Avoid micro-management. Explain any two methods from the above with an example from your experience or from your workplace.

• Discuss methods for enhancing employee morale and job satisfaction to increase business performance.
• Describe methods for measuring employee morale and job satisfaction.
• Analyze methods for supporting positive change in an organization.
• Integrate established human resource management principles into the discussion.
• Write a business report based on 5-step critical thinking decision making model.
Action Items
1. Download the 5-step critical-thinking matrix and consider the following:
o Step 1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties based on the assigned problem.
o Step 2: Obtain information on the matrix.
o Step 3: Make predictions about the future on the matrix.
o Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among the alternatives on the matrix.
2. Research various methods for finding and attracting top talent.
3. Write a 2-3 page business brief that includes the following items.
a. Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction.
b. Based on your research, recommend how the organization can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. Include a rationale for why your recommendations would improve employee morale and job satisfaction and its impact on business performance.
c. Change is a constant element of today’s organizational environment. Describe the methods your organization uses to support positive change.
d. What key result areas in HR morale, job satisfaction, or change has your organization set, why did they choose these metrics, and how are they doing toward meeting those metrics? Review the HR metrics sample.
e. Based on your research and personal experience, discuss how effective the organization’s efforts are in achieving positive change. Recommend ways that the organization can improve its ability to respond positively to change.
f. Include a reference list that contains at least 3 to 5 professional or scholarly resources (at least two resources have to be from the MBA Journal List).
Guidelines for Week 5 Business Brief: High Performance Organization (100 points)
This is individual assignment.
• Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction.
General methods: Rewards & recognition (quantifiable-in terms of money?). Opportunity for career progress (clear & visible path). Fairness & treatment. Appropriate role. Encourage socialization within the organization. Congenial workplace. If they lack confidence in leadership, morale will be lowered. Equal employment opportunity. Effective upward communication. Avoid micro-management.
Explain any two methods from the above with an example from your experience or from your workplace.

1. Based on your research, recommend how the organization can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. Include a rationale for why your recommendations would improve employee morale and job satisfaction and its impact on business performance.
Select any one method presented in the above answer and recommend how to improve it so that employee morale and satisfaction can be further enhanced in your organization. Justify your suggestion with reference to cost of implementation, quantifiable level of improvement (more customer queries can be resolved, etc.)

2. Change is a constant element of today’s organizational environment. Describe the methods your organization uses to support positive change.
Managers as change agents in the organization. Individual level change for achieving organizational change. Change process: pre-change, during change and post-change periods. Identify sub-phases of each of these phases. Sub-phases should include technical aspects such as survey to be conducted before change as well as behavioural aspects such as ‘break the rule’ & be courageous.
Present the above change process with a real or a hypothetical example from your workplace.

3. What key result areas in HR morale, job satisfaction, or change has your organization set, why did they choose these metrics, and how are they doing toward meeting those metrics? Review the HR metrics sample.
Number of suggestions made by employees, number of employee suggestions implemented, employee turnover, results of employee satisfaction surveys, number of references made by employees in recruitment process, could be considered as metrics for KRA in HR morale and job satisfaction.
Explain about them with reference to your organization.

4. Based on your research and personal experience, discuss how effective the organization’s efforts are in achieving positive change. Recommend ways that the organization can improve its ability to respond positively to change.
From the change process explained with reference to your organization (in 2nd point), identify two areas and recommend improvement.

• NOTE: Please follow the Franklin submission guidelines and Action item 3(f)