Interview, Transcription, & Data Analysis

Staying within your chosen topic (The topic: The relation between teacher education and student achievement in math.
The research questions:
1) What factors are important for a teacher to have to be considered a quality teacher?
2) What are teacher education programs doing to ensure that the pre-service teachers who go through their programs come out as quality teachers?)

–Look and Modify the adult consent form (Attached) (for interviewees 18 and older)
—Modify the “recorded media addendum to informed consent” consent form(Attached).
—Create an interview tool consisting of a minimum of five open-ended questions. Remember, the questions need to be in line with your research questions. Your questions need to include introductory/demographic items which you will use to describe the participants and open-ended questions (not ones that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”). Again the introductory questions/demographic questions will help the interviewee loosen up before the interview and also will get the researcher/interviewer to get to know the interviewee better.
— Select a research participant who you will interview for about 30 minutes to 45 minutes.
— If you tape record the interview, please make sure that you have disclosed your intention as stated in the consent form before audio recording. As a precaution, make sure you double-check your recording device to make sure it works before you start the interview!
If you don’t tape record the interview, take extensive notes (remember recording is the best option as you tend not to miss the important points; However, make sure your interviewee is comfortable and gives you the permission to audio-record).
—At the end of the interview, you will transcribe the interview verbatim (word for word).
— Transcription is the first stage of analysis.
— Submit the transcript of the interview as well as your analysis and interpretation from the interview (trends/patterns in the transcript) as they relate to the research questions posed in the study .
See samples of Interview, Transcription, & Analysis Assignment (3 sample attached.)
Note: The methodology as the plan is to use a qualitative design and not a quantitative design.