Using demographic information from the 2013 Sentinel City demographic database, as an example, briefly describe the target population that is served by your practice learning site.( behavioral health unit). Discuss at least 2 health status indicators applicable to your target population.

Using demographic information from the 2013 Sentinel City demographic database, as an example, briefly describe the target population that is served by your practice learning site.( behavioral health unit). Discuss at least 2 health status indicators applicable to your target population. Next describe the community assessment model (framework) appropriate for your target population. Include a rationale for selecting this model. What types of information on the CLAS website pertain to the population served by your practice learning site? (1 page)
Include at least 2 scholarly references – 1 reference should be from a peer-reviewed professional journal published within the past 7 years.
Remember the target population are the Hispanics with diabetes

Reading & Resources
• Download Sentinel City Demographic Database (file included in this module). You will be using this database in Discussion 2 – Question 1 and for the Final Project.
• Visit Community Health Nursing Flashcards
• Read Community Assessment Models and Measures
• Visit “All Health Topics” and click on your health topic