Pick either “Why We Crave Horror Movies” or “Vanity, Thy Name Is Metrosexual” and evaluate their arguments. Come to a specific conclusion about whether or not the article you chose is well-argued. Don’t just point out the good (and/or bad) aspects of the rhetorical forms. Provide a commentary on them. When I’m finished reading your essay, I need to know your stance on the particular article.

Briefly describe the film, book, album, or video game that you will review. And then tell us whether or not you will be recommending this item to your audience in your review.

2. Tell us about one of the strengths or one of the weaknesses of the item that you are reviewing. For example, if an actor in a film does a great job, then describe his or her best moment (avoid spoilers)!.

If a band or artist had a particularly great song on an album, then explain what is great about it in your opinion.

Remember that you are writing for an audience that knows less about this than you do, so act as a guide.

3. Will learn how to respond to the strength and structure of an argument, not simply agree or disagree with it. You will pick one of the two articles we have in this module, respond, and submit it. This essay will be 750-1000 words in length and will include MLA style in text, parenthetical citations and works cited page.

Pick either “Why We Crave Horror Movies” or “Vanity, Thy Name Is Metrosexual” and evaluate their arguments. Come to a specific conclusion about whether or not the article you chose is well-argued. Don’t just point out the good (and/or bad) aspects of the rhetorical forms. Provide a commentary on them. When I’m finished reading your essay, I need to know your stance on the particular article.

Don’t try to guess which “side” I’m on. These articles have aspects about them that could go both ways. Evaluate the articles and present your ideas accordingly. Keep in mind you need to show me that you’ve been paying attention both in class & to the readings, that you can apply the different aspects of rhetoric to a specific argument & come to a conclusion about that argument.

Traps to Avoid:
Failing to define or apply appropriate standards of evaluation
Merely giving me a report on the article
Failing to support your judgments with evidence (quotes) and details

To help you understand the ways in which ideas are sometimes presented to us. To help you understand how to analyze and discuss information that you’ve received. To help you understand how to present a specific point of view on a specific idea.

Special Instructions: Italicize your thesis.
Format and Length Requirements: Type, Double-Space and Number Your Page Throughout.

1. Your rough draft must be at least 2 full pages.
2. Your final draft must be at least 3-5 fully typed pages (If you write less than 3 fully typed pages, you will not receive a passing grade on the essay. No exceptions).
3. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font.