You must write and present a second reading speech that either argues for or against a bill that proposes a change to laws giving schools the power to ban mobile phones

You must write and present a second reading speech that either argues for or against a bill that proposes a change to laws giving schools the power to ban mobile phones. The bill is provided on the next page.

The class will be divided into a government and an opposition.
Members of the government will have to provide arguments in support of the bill. They may also offer recommendations for improvements to the bill.
Members of the opposition will have to provide arguments against the bill. They may also offer recommendations for improvements to the bill.
Members of each party will meet in groups to discuss their arguments and to decide the order of speaking.
For the government, the bill will be introduced by the Minister for education. Other members will support their speech.
For the opposition, the first speaker will be the Shadow Minister, followed by others supporting.
Each person will give a 2 – 4 minute oral presentation in a mock parliament to the rest of the class in a lesson. You will need to cover the following:
Explain your position on the bill (supporting or not).
Explain your arguments on the issue, arguing either for or against a change to the law.
Make recommendations on how you think the law should be changed, if at all, giving reasons.
You should use parliamentary language as much as possible.
your speech should start with “Mr Speaker, I support/don’t support this bill because …”

The bill:
The Parliament of South Australia
The Mobile Phones in Schools Bill 2016
A Bill for an Act to restrict the use of mobile phones in all South Australian schools.
(1) Students must switch off their mobile phones when they enter school grounds.
(2) If students use their mobile phone in the school yard they will have the phone
taken from them for one week.
(3) If students use their mobile phone in a school classroom they will have the phone
taken away for two weeks.
(4) If students use their mobile phone in the school yard or school classroom again
after a first offence they will have to report to the front office when they arrive at school each day and “check” their mobile phone for the day and get it back before
leaving each day.
(5) Schools will block the signal for mobile phones in all school change rooms and
sporting areas.