Reading an Ethnography The book is about Yousafzai, Malala. I am Malala

For the “BIG” Assignment in this class, you will be reading an ethnography. A list of potential books will follow the instructions. You may select any book from this list (most are readily available in the library or you may ask me as I have copies of many of them) or you may find a source of your own. If you choose off the list, you are good to go. If you find your own book, you must have it okayed by me in order to use it. This will be due the last week of class, by Wednesday, so I will have time to grade them before the final day. As you read, you will focus on many of the areas we have looked at, or will be looking at in this class. Your final product will be a paper summarizing what you read in the format listed below: 1) Title Page 2) Introduction – based on Appendix p.187-196 – how are the shared features of an ethnography detailed in this book? How was it organized? What was the author’s purpose in writing in your estimation? What did you think of the book? Did you enjoy it? Did it surprise you? Why or why not? Obviously, this will be the last thing you write after you complete the entire book. 3) What culture was dealt with in this book? Where are they located? What is the environment like? What special issues do they face? 4) What did the author have to say about worldview and religion? 5) How does the culture organize itself? Who lives in households? Who are considered kin? What kinship system and terminology do they use? 6) What are gender roles in this culture? How are they viewed by the members? Are they strict? Loose? Are there more than two genders? 7) How are marriages completed? How are spouses located? Where do they live after marriage? Is there a dowry or bride wealth? What happens if a couple does not get along? 8) What kind of political and economic arrangement does the culture have? What kinds of subsistence activities are there? What are the main products for consumption? 9) What about medicine and science and technology? Is this culture globalized? Is the globalization helping the culture? 10) Wrap up. Summarize your feelings and opinions about how this culture operates and why you think this is. What do you know now that you didn’t know when you began this project? Remember to cite all sources, although I anticipate that most of your information will come directly from the book you choose to read. For the book, you may simply provide a page number citation (text p.87 or book p.50 i.e.) in the written text of your paragraphs. For any outside sources you will also need to provide a bibliography with an explanation for each item of what you used that source for. Grading: Title Page (5 points); Paragraphs 2 and 10 (10 points each = 20 points) Paragraphs 3 through 9 (15 points each = 105 points) Citations (10 points) Bibliography (10 points) Grammar and Spelling (10)