Why human beings do not need socialization

Take for instance standing at grocery store thinking about what you will be your tomorrow’s to do list at the checkout line. The cashier immediately greets you and out of being polite there is a response and forcefully you enter into a chit chat and afterwards feel very happy. This is one on one or rather face to face conversation that used to be evident in the past. In another example, thanks to technology and the internet, you go through a website that shows online activities for all its users and when browsing, you find other users online and one sends you a chit chat message just to start a conversation and at the end of the day you log out feeling like it was the most peaceful conversation you have ever had. What just happened when comparing the two scenarios? It is evident that the world has developed modern ways of socializations compared to one on one socialization and thus the world currently believes that humans would not always need socialization. This essay argues that human no longer need socialization because face to face socialization is diminishing, an increasing focus in digital communication and physical isolation being a social norm.

Face to face socialization is diminishing because of technological advancement such as mobile and computer networks that makes long distance connection easy. Social media has made one on one communications less meaningful while modern apps and social networks have made life easy. Social networks and apps have made it easy to communicate with food chains that do not only need to know your needs but are also willing to deliver your needs right at your door step, thus a service that more people prefer in modern times.

Even in social environments, it is very common to find people not interacting with one another on one on one conversation. Family as the basic socialization unit has actually lost its function presently because it is very common to find family members in a group where they send texts to each other as a form of communication every day (Mcgrath, 2012). People are focused on becoming more digitally connected as compared to traditional forms of communication. Even at a party, it is popular to find people communicating through social media platforms and looking through social media to find what is interesting as they keep the fun. In social functions, most people are actually preoccupied with taking pictures and further spend more time in uploading their pictures of social media sites for the rest of their friends to see.

Physical isolation has become more of a social norm. More and more people are becoming disconnected from the social grid and trying to fit into a group without physical presence. The current digital needs also require many people to spend more time alone and less time in physical social functions. It is common to find many youths currently moving from up country and finding modern structures of living that support internet connectivity. Many constructors presently are building modern constructions that support Wi-Fi and internet connectivity and thus most people tend to maximize on the internet by spending lots of time browsing. This explains the many forms of internet addicting and social media platform addiction that have caused many to engage in a social cleanse. In social cleansing, most people have given up social media and its use in a bid to stay off the internet and live peaceful lives.

The technological revolution that has happened in the present century has evidently impacted basic elements and units of socialization as well as daily lives. New technologies in the media have increasingly been embedded in the present society and resulted into diverse negative social changes. Among the major socialization institution that has been affected with this change is the family with social networking preferred more than face to face communication.