legal case study (also in the course outline)

Assessment details – legal case study (also in the course outline)

Students will attend a setting (hearing) at a Magistrate Court in Adelaide or at a regional local setting. (See SA Courts Administration Authority for locations). You will not be allowed to take notes during the session but you are advised to note take immediately after you leave as this assessment will be based on a case that you observe in the Court.

The assessment will comprise of an introduction and a conclusion and headings under the headings of:

1. Case synopsis – a report of the case proceeding you observed in one of the above Courts (confidentiality must be observed)

2. Identification – identification and description of the legislation that was applied

3. Intervention – A description of the court ruling and its purpose

4. Human service worker role – the potential roles, knowledge and the skills required to work with this case

5. Social justice and ethical issues – discussion addressing the social justice and ethical issues in this case

If when you attend Court there is no suitable case that you can use for this assessment there is a DVD posted on the JUST 2005 learnonline site which depict cases which are before a Family Violence Diversion Court. In the event that there are no suitable cases in the Magistrate Court please familarise yourself with a case that is shown in this DVD and use this to answer the above questions.

A minimum of 8 – 12 references to JUST 2005 course materials including the text book, e readings and legislation need to be cited.

This assessment task is among other things a test of individual knowledge and the ability to apply it. While there may be some collaborative work in discussing the case study, there should not be any joint writing of the assessment.  If there has been copied work on the case study the University integrity policy will apply.