Good action Research

Any research seeks to have an understanding, a description and an explanation of how certain factors influence the main idea of the research (Furlong & Oancea 2008). Every research must also be aligned to the focus of the project with the project team recognizing the rising concern of the study. In enhancing the undergraduate student experience via fundraising partnerships: an action research project, this project failed to align the whole research to student retention and the research team also failed to recognize the increasing concern of student retention in the area. A good research apart from giving an idea of what the whole research is all about; there is need for the research team to outline the central theme of the whole research in brief (Lodico, Spaulding & Voegtle 2010). This factor was not considered in the educational research on enhancing undergraduate experience. However, this research is exceptional is revealing to the public who it is addressing. Reading the whole paper it is evident that the research team is addressing the higher education council and relevant authorities that are responsible for student success.

Assessing the value of a community based-approach to language and cultural learning research fulfills the aspect of originality. In as much as this research reviews previous researches, the research team in this research manage to stay original. In maintaining originality which is among the primary qualities of a good research, the research team used qualitative and quantitative strategies of data collection in assessing the value of community based approach in cultural learning. A good research should be professional especially in the way it communicates to the public (Barry 2012). This paper is exceptional because it has less grammatical errors and language mistakes and manages to use simple language in communicating to its audience.