Know all the endocrine glands, where they are and what hormone they make and what it does ( pancreas- in the abdomen under the stomach-makes insulin ;beta cells- causes blood sugar levels in blood to decrease by letting glucose into the cell. etc)

• Know all the endocrine glands, where they are and what hormone they make and what it does ( pancreas- in the abdomen under the stomach-makes insulin ;beta cells- causes blood sugar levels in blood to decrease by letting glucose into the cell. etc)
• – Know what happens to levels of insulin/glucagon during starvation/after eating. Know what happens to a diabetic if too much insulin is injected and what do you give them
• – Know the different classes/groups of hormones (steroid, amino acid derivatives etc.. ), their mode of action, target organs, and what physiological changes they make.
• – What is Cushing disease, what is polyuria, polydipsia, and hematuria, what is acromegaly? What is gigantism, dwarfism?
• – know what osteoclasts and osteoblasts do who stops or starts them ( calcitonin, PTH)
• Know about angiotensin I and II, renin
• Define hormone and endocrine
• Know the pituitary gland, the 9 peptide hormones it releases, their target organs, and 
physiological changes. What is melatonin , LH, ACTH ( corticotrophins)
• Know how the hypothalamus controls everything
• – Know the hormones released by the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, testes, and 
ovaries. What are their target organs? What physiological changes do they cause once they 
are released into the blood stream and act on their target cells?
• – Know what happens to levels of ADH when a person is dehydrated
• Make sure to review any tables and figures concerned with hormones, the glands that produce them, their target cells, and their function.
• Know at what level of organization hormones work at
• – Predict what would happen if certain endocrine hormones were removed (absence of hormone), or what would happen if there was a tumor (causing hypersecretion of a hormone) or an overdose of a hormone.
• – Know where endocrine organs & glands are located anatomically.
• – Know what types of cells produce hormones and what regions they are produced in organs.. 
(ex. Zona Reticularis, Fasciculata, Glomerulosa etc.)if there is a tumor in one of these areas what will be overproduced? Aldosterone?
• Know What is the SAD disorder ( seasonal affective disorder) which hormone causes it
• Define target cells and hormone receptors, water soluble and lipid hormones
• – Know the hormonal response to stress “GAS” Fig 16-18 
BLOOD (CH. 19)
• – Know the components, and major functions of blood. (RBC’s, platelets, WBC’s.. etc)
• – Know the composition of plasma and interstitial fluid
• – Know the functions of red blood cells, the structure and function off Hemoglobin ( neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and what they do and look like)
• Know plasma cells make ( immunoglobulins)
• Know which blood cell elevated in case of an infection
• Know What is viscosity ( blood is thicker than water)
• Know they blood types and their surface antigens
• Know where is blood made and which bones have red bone marrow
• Know what hemolytic disease of the newborn is

• The following is an outline that will help you study more effectively and efficiently. Review any clinical correlations relevant to these topics.
• Know the complete blood flow through the heart including pulmonary and system circulations.
• Know the external and internal anatomy of the heart, its blood supply and drainage.
• Know the structures that are present in fetal circulation and what their functions are.
• Know the structures and function of the chambers of the heart.
• Know what surrounds the heart and where it is located.
• Know where the valves of the heart are located and how they function.
• Know the functions of the right side and left side of the heart are.
• Know the differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle
• Know the structures and functions of cardiac tissue (ex. Intercalated discs)
• Know the difference between a myocardial infarction and a stroke.
• Be able to identify internal structures of the heart.
• Know what nerves innervate the heart.
• Know where the pacemaker cells of the heart are and in what order they are excited. (SA, AV, Bundle of His, etc.)
• Know how the Autonomic (sympathetic & parasympathetic) nervous system affects the heart.
• Know what the waves in an EKG represent. (P, QRS, T)
• Know the specific beats/minute of SA node’s pacemaker cells.
• Know the difference between bradycardia and tachycardia
• Know the Cardiac Cycle, specifically when valves open and close, and when ventricles contract and the changes in blood pressure. Also know what’s happening to the volume of blood in the left ventricle during the cardiac cycle. (stroke volume, end systolic, end diastolic volumes)
• Know why beta blockers are prescribed and what they do
• Know what calcium channel blockers do and why they are prescribed.
• Know the part of the brain that controls heart rate.