Explaining Criminal Behaviour

This assignment involves a written critical assessment of the two main perspectives guiding the analysis of crime and the application of criminological theory to criminal events.

These can be found in Chapter 1 in Schmalleger & Volk,pages 28 & 29. You are to use these two perspectives (Social Problems and Social Responsibility) to critically assess a criminal behavior. For example, social problems such as poverty are often cited as a cause of criminal behaviour, but proponents of individual responsibility claim that ultimately, offenders are responsible for their actions. Evaluation
Introduction (One paragraph that includes a clear purpose statement, is engaging and outlines the structure of the paper). /10
Body/Content (Clear description of the research problem and findings, paragraphs clearly develop the main ideas, is logically sequenced, transitions are used to enhance organization, ideas are well developed and supported.) /30
Conclusion (Usually one paragraph that is engaging and restates the thesis.) /10
Citations (All works are properly cited within the document using APA, authors are appropriately credited for their ideas, claims are supported with references to the original works.) /10
Spelling/Grammar/Sentence Structure (Free of spelling errors, uses punctuation, words and sentences appropriately.) /10
Format (Proper title, white paper, properly stapled, margins correct, proper use of white space etc.) /10
References Cited Page (Separate page. APA format is properly and consistently followed. All sources used are listed.) /10
Overall impact (The paper comes together in a well researched, well organized, well written and well presented product, that has overall impact.)