Effect of bar-code technology on the safety of medication administration.

Articles Critiques and Criteria for grading (2 @ 10% each for total of 20% of course grade) –
a. Two times during the semester, but before the last class meeting of the course, each student will bring in 1-2 article(s) from professional journals, a reputable internet source or the newspaper. The article(s) will be attached and submitted with the critique. The article should be 3-4 pages in length.
b. The student will present their critiques in class
c. Each article must be related to health care policy.
d. The critique will include a brief summary of the article and the course objective to which it is relevant and why. Relate the article to the following:
Second article should help you answer the following questions:
• Describe changes in the current U.S. health delivery system that you think will provide opportunities for nursing to improve health care.
• What challenges do you envision that nurses would face in the changing health delivery situation?
• How would these opportunities that you describe help to improve the status and visibility of nursing?

a. 2% — Relevant introduction that captures the interest of the reader
b. 6% — Completely answered each guiding question for the article critique
c. 1% — Closure, summarizes key point and action, bringing the letter to conclusion
d. 1% — Grammar and syntax; Letter format – appropriate salutation, body, and signature