Technical Analysis of the A Garland of Flowers Surrounding a Mocking of Christ by Simon de Vos and Daniel Seghers

Technical Analysis of the A Garland of Flowers Surrounding a Mocking of Christ by Simon de Vos and Daniel Seghers
(Please look for it online or look at this link:ël_Seghers_and_Simon_de_Vos_-_A_Garland_of_Flowers_Surrounding_a_Mocking_of_Christ.jpg

Provide a full and detailed description of the object – including composition, scale, materials, technique, subject matter, style, condition, and any other salient details. Provide a brief bibliography for your object that also includes sources on its broader artistic, social, and historical contexts. For example, if you have chosen a Greek black-figure vase, what bibliographic sources would you use to place the object within the historical and social moment in which it was made? What sources would you use to find similar objects for comparison? If you have selected a contemporary painting or sculpture, the same instructions apply.

Please discuss how the trompe l’oeil technique was used as well as the effect that the flowers create. Also discuss how the size of the painting participate in the general effect of the painting and how light is used.