visitation Paper

visitation Paper



Each written assignment has its own point values and instructions.

All assignments must be typed using 10-12 point fonts and 1″ margins, double-spaced, and follow standard conventions of grammar and syntax. Please use Spell Check before turning in your papers.

Please be sure to label your assignments properly. Include your name, lesson name, and title of assignment. If it is an extra credit assignment, make sure to put the title of the EC assignment and the possible point value.

If you used internet websites for research, you MUST cite your sources.

All papers must be under 5%, excluding quotes. Also, remember I can only open files with the extensions: .doc, .rtf, .txt, .pdf. Any assignments not saved this way, will not be graded. I cannot open .wps files; files sent to me saved this way, will receive no grade.

If for some reason you miss the homework due date, contact me immediately by email. You must turn in ALL ASSIGNMENTS to pass the class.

Any documents not using these standards will not be graded