Outline your concept of TVET and discuss how this could influence the development of the workforce in the Caribbean.

My Philosophy

As a master Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) practitioner and educator and one that will have influence on the quality of the workforce, it is imperative that you claim ownership of the field. This assignment will assist you to stake your claim of ownership.
a) Outline your concept of TVET and discuss how this could influence the development of the workforce in the Caribbean. (Include in your outline the principles/foundations that support your position).
b) Formulate your philosophy of technical, vocational education and training (TVET) (Identify the foundations of and use several short paragraphs to explain each aspect of your philosophy). Make a connection of your philosophy with the needs of the workforce of your country and the Caribbean and outline/explain what impact such philosophy could have.
c) Discuss how your philosophy impacts/could impact the quality of the workforce, especially in the context of new developments in the Caribbean such as shipping logistics, health informatics, digital animation, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, tourism, communications, etc.
d) Identify and discuss three key areas that should be focused on in developing the workforce for your country or the Caribbean in particular but also for the international market in general. Provide a rationale for selecting these areas.