Phonetics & Phonology

Phonetics & Phonology

Projects are to be written in formal academic discourse style. They should be no shorter than 4 pages in length, no longer than 5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point font, black ink. Characterize differences between dialects using phonetic features.
o Analyze at least 10 phonetic differences and, if applicable, phonemic differences between the dialects.
o The first page of your write-up should be the 12 transcribed sentences from BOTH speakers, numbered, and translated into English (underneath the transcription).
o After this first page, you must have at least 4 pages of analysis.
o In your write up, don’t talk about yourself, or much about the language itself, or why you chose the language. Use all of the paper to focus on the differences between what you hear in Speaker 1’s dialect versus Speaker 2’s. Don’t talk about your speakers’ lives other than to state where he or she is from.
o When you are referencing particular words and phrases in your analysis, include their transcription within the prose, so that the reader doesn’t need to flip back to your first page and can easily follow your explanation.

I will provide the 12 transcribed sentences