Technology and Culture

Question: 1

Machine deep learning is an artificial intelligence used by scientists in various machines applications to recognize words and objects in a different perspective in order to avoid harmful conclusions from the devices and application users. Through the artificial intelligence the machines and application platforms are taught how to recognize pattern of data and draw ethical conclusions (Pitney, 2013). The strategy has enabled the machines to process differentiated huge volumes of data that is differentiated something that was unimaginable and unmanageable previous. Jackie was right to be angry with Google Company classifying her as a Gorilla. It is unethical for such a company to make such a harmful and unethical mistake. Nevertheless, her anger was of great importance because it enabled the company to realize the mistake which might be sourced automatically from the machines applications. The complaint enable the company to prevent the machines from coming up with offensive conclusion because we now live in a complex society. Nevertheless, it is impossible to come up with codes which shall not fully be in conflict with human affairs.

Question: 2

In the modern time when the society is highly diverse there is need for organizations to embrace diversity in their products too. Diversity in organization encourages teamwork, high productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and timely production and collaboration. Different organizations in the modern time have embraced diversity in all the departments because they understand the significance of diversity (Pitney, 2013).  The forces of globalization have also played a crucial role in ensuring that the organization embraces diversity. The diversity within the organization might be in term of ethnicity, culture and product differentiation. Organizations in the globe which embrace diversity in their processes and systems have increased their competitiveness in the market, increased their market share and increased their productivity in general.

Nevertheless, the failure of organization to embrace diversity has drastically ended up hurting their customers. Ethnicity and cultural differences within the organization normally leads to internal conflicts between the managers and the employees or conflict between the employees. The conflict associated with lack of diversity leads to production of low quality products, undifferentiated products and services and low productivity which do not match with the consumers demand (Pitney, 2013). As a result, the consumers are regarded to be the injured party in the process because they end up purchasing low quality products and products which do not meet the necessary standards according to each country’s bureau of standards.

An organization might increase diversity in the design process of the product development by ensuring that the products are differentiated according to the consumers’ needs and demands. The increased diversity in the design process help product development because understanding the culture, tests and preferences, mood, season , appetite and consumer behavior assists the manufacturers in producing products which meet all this demands. Diversity is of great importance to the consumer because it influences the consumers’ patterns of consumption and influences their product purchase pattern because their desires and demands are considered to be fulfilled during the product development.  For instance, the Double Amputee Company normally designs better limbs for the amputee which are multi-purpose and differentiated. Diversity in the organization has increased the productivity and success in the organization because the story of Dr. Chanda  being the 63rd Black woman in the united states history to attain Ph. D in Physics.

Question: 3

Executive parity index is the ratio of a certain group representation at the executive level in comparison to the representation in the professional level. The executive parity index is also referred to the percentage of the executives and the percentage of the professionals in an organization (Pitney, 2013). The situation means that in order for the organization to be regarded to be successful, the executive parity index must be proportional to the professionals within the organization.


Pitney, N. (2013) Meet the 63rd Black Woman in American History with A Physics Ph.D. New York publishers.