cognitive dissonance.

The introduction should seek to locate the reader in the topic area, giving a brief overview of the breadth of the topic, and the sorts of issues that have been of importance to researchers. You should then focus on your selected research topic, specifying the particular issues/sub-topics that you intend to address, and in what order. The section of each question that asks you to Describe… will be an integral part of the introduction to your essay.


  • Topic
  • Definition
  • Issues that are important to researchers
  • Specify issues I intend to address, in order




Cognitive Dissonance has been a topic of interest for around 60 years since Festinger published the original theory in 1957. According to Festinger, when a person acts in a way that is inconsistent with their attitudes or beliefs, they will experience cognitive dissonance. Reducing dissonance is equated to the same drive to reduce hunger or thirst. The revised definition model by Cooper and Fazio (1984) states that the dissonance is not simply due to the action discrepancy, but also depends on the person claiming responsibility for the aversive events, and attributing the cause of the arousal to that event (as cited in Aronson, 1992).

Researchers have been examining the underlying factors in cognitive dissonance in terms of what causes the feeling of arousal (CITE; CITE), and how it leads people to change their attitudes and cognition (CITE; CITE; CITE). Studies have also been helpful in using cognitive dissonance to promote health, recycling, losing weight behaviours, and other behaviours (CITE; CITE; CITE; CITE).

The topic focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive dissonance model, and ways in how it has and can help promote behaviours that can be beneficial to the environment.

The following essay will analyse studies that show how cognitive dissonance works, the process according to the revised model and studies that show support. There are also studies that have their own opinion on what causes cognitive dissonance in terms of arousal and what could add to the model. Claims that have argued against cognitive dissonance changing behaviour will be investigated. Lastly we will examine programs that have been used to show behavioural changes and how it can be applied to produce a program that can reduce the use of all forms of plastic bags in supermarkets. This paper will provide a review of the current approaches to cognitive dissonance and how it’s been used to help promote healthy attitudes.




What causes cognitive dissonance.

What makes cognitive dissonance stronger.

What behaviours are considered inconsistent (dispositional).

What do people do to reduce their dissonance.

How is dissonance measured.

Is dissonance what causes attitude change, or what motivates our behaviour.





  1. The body of the assignment should systematically work through the series of sub- topics or issues that are relevant to your topic. Note that it assists your presentation, and the reader, if you use subheadings where these are appropriate. It is also useful to introduce each sub-topic and to draw each sub-topic discussion together with a summary/conclusion. The Present and critically evaluate evidence… section of each question will be an integral part of the body. Clearly, there will be a lot of time and effort in this section

Cognitive Dissonance Model


  1. What inconsistencies cause cognitive dissonance? Interpreting behaviour as attitude-discrepant
  2. Claiming aversive events
  3. attribution of arousal
  4. Reducing the dissonance
  5. Effective use of cognitive dissonance in research promoting good behaviours
  6. Examples of programs
  7. Program


  • Subtopic


  • Conclusion


The cognitive dissonance model

Describe model briefly – how it changes attitude

Revised model of cognitive dissonance

When attitude-disrepant act threatens one’s selnse of self-worth and leads to feeling guilty or stupid or shame. When we consider ourselves to be a hypocrite


Aversive consequences

  • Dissonance has been demonstrated in the absence of aversive consequences (Harmon-Jones et. Al., 1996)


Attribution of responsibility (to self)


Attribuion of arousal

Attitude change

Is dissonance what causes attitude change, or what motivates our behaviour.

Arguments against factors of cognitive dissonance (credibility instead of dissonance of choosing person to be with)

Few examples of Cognitive Dissonance in experiments support model

Cognitive Dissonance – applied (success) – same as above?


Cognitive Dissonance – applied (failure)

What makes cognitive dissonance stronger.

What behaviours are considered inconsistent (dispositional).

What do people do to reduce their dissonance.

How is dissonance measured.

  1. 450-500
  2. The application section (also part of the body) of the assignment should be informed by the insights you have derived from the critical evaluation of the literature you have conducted and presented above. Each question contains a final Discuss the ways… part that asks you in some way to comment upon and evaluate applications of the relevant model or phenomenon to some specific issue. It is the chance to show how you can apply social psychological insights to a novel situation or domain.


In discussing how the role of cognitive dissonance can aid attitude change, and including the factors of how it failed, it can be applied in helping reduce plastic usage in supermarkets.

Recently Australia has put a ban on plastic bag usage in supermarkets with a fine of $12345 to anyone who breaks it. [CITE] Although the ban, affecting consumers, supermarkets are still using plastic in products. Big companies should also be told to change their packaging.

How to Solve the Problem:

They have to be made aware of their inconsistency

How their actions of using plastic can lead to  aversive events that affect them

Tackle and reduce possible ways they can reduce dissonance


  1. The summary/conclusion section of your assignment should draw together the points that you have made in order to provide your definitive response to the topic based upon your evaluation of the research literature. In addition, it is valuable to be able to point out where there are gaps in the literature, in relation to the topic area, that require further research.
  • Summary of key points
  • Gaps in literature
  • Future research in relation to topic