Healthcare security Blockchain

Healthcare security Blockchain

Microsoft and IBM have come up with their Blockchain platforms –Azure Blockbench. After reviewing my uploaded paper, your assignment is on the below:

separately set up the experiment for Azure-Ethereum and Azure-Fabric. For each setup, collect the data and reproduce plot performance results (throughput, latency), then clearly explain describe your experiment and results about Azure-Ethereum and Azure-Fabric using figures or screenshot ( how the platforms work. More on the operation end.) Use more figures or screenshot to show how the operation works. We need to know more details on smart contracts, consensus protocols, network topology, storage, and any other operation details.).

(To run the experiments, please visit the Azure workbench website and learn how to run the experiments using the Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric templates. There is documentation on the website to help you)

So in a word, you just need to provide the results using figures or screenshot. You can provide the commands and the corresponding screen shots of each step. and one paragraph explanation for each figure.

please also see please see my uploaded “IBM and Azure” paper, that would be helpful. Sample diagrams from another two uploaded paper will also be helpful. Remember add explanation words. Thanks