Write an essay of NO LESS than 850 words (The word count begins with the first word in your introduction and ends with the last word in your conclusion.) in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology.

Read assigned text(s), identify the author’s use of rhetorical strategies, and evaluate how effectively/ineffectively those rhetorical choices contribute to developing purpose and persuading audience.
Write according to length and format instructions: meet the 850 word MINIMUM, use double spacing, use 1-inch margins, and type in 12 pt. font Times New Roman.
Document borrowed text material and/or secondary sources according to MLA conventions.
Apply Edited American English.
Actively engage in peer-review sessions and use peers’ feedback, together with instructor comments, to revise the essay.
Visit a tutor in the North Building.
Submit a working draft to Online tutorial.
Submit the final draft to the appropriate drop-box by the scheduled deadline.
Instructor Prompt:

For this essay, you will write an essay of NO LESS than 850 words double-spaced (and a Work Cited page) that analyzes the rhetorical strategies in Eliana Dockterman’s The Digital Parent Trap, which was distributed in class. The essay should contain both a brief SUMMARY of the article’s main ideas and an ANALYSIS that identifies and evaluates the author’s rhetoric. It is important to realize that SUMMARY requires a retelling of the main points or ideas in chronological and logical order, while ANALYSIS requires you to identify Dockterman’s rhetorical strategies and evaluate the effectiveness of those strategies in terms of purpose and audience.

Write an essay of NO LESS than 850 words (The word count begins with the first word in your introduction and ends with the last word in your conclusion.) in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology.

1. In your essay, ANALYZE how Dockterman uses one or more of the features listed in the box at the top of your reading to strengthen the logical appeal, ethical appeal, emotional appeal, and persuasiveness of her argument. Be sure that your ANALYSIS focuses on the most important features of the passage.

2. Your essay should NOT explain whether you agree with Dockterman’s claims, but INSTEAD explain HOW Dockterman builds an argument to PERSUADE her audience.

3. Consult pages 167-168 in your text to generate ideas and construct an outline for your essay. Also, be sure to craft a proper analysis thesis.