Alcohol Related Violence

Background of the research

Alcohol related violence is a harm that is related with alcohol consumption more specifically among the youths and is an area that is of great concern for the community and the governments across the globe. The initiative of developing initiatives and policies which attempt to influence the drinking habits has become difficult for most governments and communities because alcohol consumption is a world acceptable culture. Excessive and consumption of illicit brews is believed to be responsible for health and social problems being experienced in most young people in the world (Morgan, 2009). High levels of consumption of alcohol are a great risk factor that is associated with violence among many people in the community. Alcohol related disorders and crimes may have adverse effects upon the broader community. The perception or concern of the alcohol related issues extend far beyond the individuals who directly consumed the alcohol to other individuals in the community who never participated in alcohol consumption. The research will illustrate how high levels of alcohol consumption shall eventually result into violence in the community.

Alcohol related violence

According to the past sociological research conducted previously, there is strong evidence to associated violence with alcohol consumption. Alcohol related violence is associated with increased criminal justice system costs, family destabilization, homicide, genocide, suicide and more so loss of life in extreme cases. The rates of verbal and physical abuse by a person who have consumed alcohol are considered to be twice than a person who has consumed other kinds of drugs (Rhodes, 2011). The extent of alcohol related violence normally varies from one person to the other. In order to curb alcohol related violence there is need for an individual or the government to understand the characteristics of the violence incident

As a matter of fact the status of being single, young and a male is the major factors which are associated with significant alcohol related violence in the community.  Males under the influence of alcohol are more likely to engage in alcohol related victimization than female under the same influence. Young people between 14 and 19 years are more likely to be victimized with alcohol related violence than the adults because they are yet to mature and control their emotions. Most of the suicide or homicide reported cases in most areas in the community are normally associated with drinking or toxicology during the alcohol drinking process. High levels of alcohol consumption increases stress, depression, victimization and low emotions control (Hamlet, 2013). As a result, individuals under the control of alcohol end up engaging in violence activities either for themselves or against other people in the society. Alcohol is also a contributing factor towards domestic violence, child neglect and abuse.  Families with alcohol consumption partners are more likely to experience violence than families whose members do not consume alcohol. Cases of child neglect and abuse particular physical abuse are much likely to be experienced in homes where the parents of the family members engage in alcohol consumption behaviors (James, 2014). Alcohol  is basically the source of all evil in the community because it result into women bartering in the families and children neglect which eventually leads to increased cases of juvenile delinquencies in the community.  Neglected children as a result of alcohol related violence are likely to engage in juvenile crimes hence leading them to juvenile rehabilitation centers.



Just like other complex social phenomena in the society, the relationship between violence and alcohol in the community is not straightforward or simple. Research indicates that high levels of alcohol consumption may be associated with physical violence and aggression among many individuals in the society. Nevertheless, the relationship between violence and alcohol consumption are determined by pharmacological impacts of the alcohol towards individuals’ behavioral and cognitive functioning, individuals’ traits such as age, attitude, personality and gender, the drinking environment and the societal culture of drinking. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between high levels of alcohol consumption and violence in the community.


Morgan, A. (2009). Key issues in alcohol related violence.  Australian institute of Criminology Journal. Vol. 2(4), 33-39.

Hamlet, J. (2013). Drugs and Alcohol related violence in the community. New York Publishers.

James, G.(2014) Reducing Alcohol related violence among the Australian community. Australian University Press.

Rhodes, H. (2011) Reasons for increased rate of alcohol related victimization in the society. Oxford University Publishers.