Social Work placement Journal

Entry: 1

What happened?

When I visited Mr. Xia who originated from China to understand the current Chinese economic and political development, he took time to explain to me his cultural life experience program with St John. In his conversation he promised me that we shall explore all the issues in regard to our topic and some of his personal experience. Based on his promise, I felt comfortable and enjoyed in the conversation. During the conversation, Mr. Xia shared a lot on his feeling and experience with the current economic and political development in China. Nevertheless, he was also interested in conversation in regard to the current life in Australia and listening aspects related with Hong Kong.

Critical moment that occurred

During the conversation with Mr. Xio in regard to political and economic development of China, my client was flexible because prior to discussion of the main aspects of our conservation, he introduced me into his cultural life experience with St John program. The move was to make me comfortable and joyful in the conversation. During the conversation he explained to me the major political and economic developments which were happening in China. He also showed interest of listening in issues relating with Hong Kong and he was also interested with the daily life in Australia.

My feelings

I rely enjoyed the conversation because my client made me comfortable by first introducing me into his personal life and later elaborated to me my topic. As a social worker, the conversation improved by interpersonal skills experience in relation to listening and communicating with other people. Moreover, I learnt how to remain calm, to build trustworthy relationship and reveal professionalism in such situations and in public. Despite how long the conversation was I learnt how to be tolerant while engaging in fruitful conversations.

Journal: 2

What happened?

When I first visited my client Jane she was very much welcoming. As a stranger to her I was worried how we would communicate with each other. Nevertheless, Jane provided me with a warm well come by requesting me to join certain pictures in a board to form a lion. During my interaction with the board, I realized that there is much innovation and creativity that has not yet been discovered and that there is still room for creativity in the world. My interaction with the game board trying to come up with a picture which resembled a lion made me feel happy and relaxed.

Critical moment that occurred

During my visit to Jane premise I was introduced to a game board that necessitated me to come up with a picture of a lion. During my interaction with the board I realized that one can be creative in his or her own ways. Despite the fact that the parts of the picture were disorganized, I was motivated and fully of confidence that after some time I would manage to come up with the lion picture.

Personal Opinion

The interaction with the game eliminated the fear of the strangers between me and Jane. The warm welcome warm up game eliminated the barriers of communication between Jane and I and we were able to communicate with each successfully and easily. With both enjoyed the conversation and we were willing to share even more stories. As a social worker I realized that barriers of communication among individuals may be eliminated through various strategies such as warm up games before individuals engage in the main conversation.

Journal Three

What happened ?

When I visited Josephine who was my former schoolmate she was reading a novel and looked disappointed. She greeted me will the shoulders down and no warm welcome.  At first I was furious and wanted to know why my friend was not in a sober mood.  When I asked him why she was in such a bad mood, she opened the page she was reading inside the novel and the heading was related to alcohol related violence in the community. I was eager to know why she was so much concerned with the violence caused by alcohol.

Critical moment

She informed that she was a victim of alcohol related violence. She informed me that she had divorced her fiancée because he was a drinker. She told me that high levels of alcohol consumption had led to fund embezzlement by her husband which was later translated in marriage through violence.  The husband had turned out to be abusive and lack of morals. Although she loved him she believed that he was a burden to his life.

Personal opinion

As a matter of fact, I was amazed by the status of my friend and the challenges she was going through in her marriage life. The story of Josephine enabled me to control my mood, gain confidence in tackling life issues and understand that there are many people in the society who are suffering alcohol related violence either physically or psychologically. Josephine despite the fact that she was not suffering from the physical trauma she was suffering the psychological challenges as her marriage was just being distorted by the habit of alcohol drinking. The incident enlighten the aspects associated with alcohol related violence and crimes.

Journal 4

During child neglect workshop, I visited street children in the children home to establish why the children were there. When I first visited the rehabilitation I was introduced to one of the child undergoing the rehabilitation process. The name of the client I was given was called John. When I started to talk to him he was disappointed, discourage, de-motivated and demoralized. He was shaky and stammering every time I would pose a query on to him. After some minutes of encouragement John became composed and informed that many children in the community were engaging in children delinquency because of being neglected by their parents.

Critical moment

John who was in the rehabilitation centre was a product of parent neglect. Despite the fact that John had an opportunity to express his status he was unable to so because he believed that it was not his own fault but the fault of his parents for him to b in rehabilitation centre. After encouraging john to take heart she regained his confidence and explained to us how children neglect may be dangers both at individual level and as a community. As a matter of fact, children neglect was the main reason for increased rate of juvenile delinquency.

Personal reflection

In order to curb the increased tendency of children neglect and curb the increased level juvenile delinquency, it is the high time for the parents to avoid children neglect. It is their responsibility to bring the child in the society with good morals and to become role model to other children in the community. Hence, it is important to understand that children neglect is the major source of immorality in the community which needs to be tamed before it develops into soar.

Journal: 5

In the high school dropout workshop, I experienced a businessman who dropped school at a very young age to join the business world. Given the current education systems which bring out more job seekers than job creators, the businessman informed me that despite being a school dropout he was successful in his social life in comparison to the educated people who were always seeking for jobs in the streets. When I visited him in his business he was together with her first born who had complete O-level and was requested by his father to join him in the field of business and investment if she wanted to be successful in life. The notion that the level of unemployment has been skyrocketing has forced many children and students to drop out of school in order to engage in business.

Critical moment

The issue of the businessman discouraging his first born in going ahead with further study was a culture that attracted poverty, ignorance and illiteracy in the society.  High rate of school dropout is associated with lack of trust to the education system and the government concerned in providing the necessary employment. As a matter of concern, the school dropout normally engages in criminal activities which lead to most of the young children into rehabilitation centers.

Personal reflection

Social neglect is one of the major sources of the increased rate of school dropout in most countries. The high school dropout has increased the government concerned budget as it has to deal with rehabilitation of the school droppers who end up in crimes which later lead them into rehabilitation centers. Through the increased school dropout menace I was able to understand the social theory and the strategies which need to be adopted in order to reduce or eliminate the rate at which school dropout is currently happening.


Cate, T. (2013) Community Impact the Standard for Measuring Social Service. New York Publishers.

Jordan, K. The Impact of Hate Violence on Victims. Cambridge university press.

Jabbeth, L. (2009) The Role of Social Work in Mental Health. 5th Edition. Oxford University Publishers