Divorce—Family of 5 enter treatment because parents announced they are getting divorced. Children are upset. Remember to write a treatment plan for the entire family for GROUP THERAPY and INDIVIDUAL THERAPY IDENTITY WHAT TYPE OF THERAPY AND WHY ? what will be the out come AND THE CHALLENGES .

Divorce—Family of 5 enter treatment because parents announced they are getting divorced. Children are upset.
Remember to write a treatment plan for the entire family for GROUP THERAPY and INDIVIDUAL THERAPY IDENTITY WHAT TYPE OF THERAPY AND WHY ? what will be the out come AND THE CHALLENGES .

Recommendations for treatment: recommendations for individual, couples, and family counseling based on presenting issues? Remember the culture in paper they are Puerto Rican family including biological parents, two young adult daughters, and one son age 16. Father has been unfaithful, and the mother is seeking divorce. Father wants to work on the marriage, the mother is conflicted, and the son is beginning to have problems academically and fighting with peers, and anger outbursts at home. Daughters have not been assessed .

Read Case study Below
Maria is a 38-year-old Puerto Rican female from Miami, Florida. Maria has three children, Tamra who is a 20-year-old old attending college, Devin who is a 16-year-old male, and Sara who is a 14-year-old female. Maria has been married to Juan, 40 who is also Puerto Rican and resides in Miami as well. Maria has recently discovered that Juan has been having another affair. After many marriage counseling sessions in previous years, Maria cannot take the lying and deceit much longer. Maria is doing a disservice for herself and her children by staying in the unfaithful marriage. Maria has filed for divorce from Juan and has agreed to announce the decision to the children during Tamra’s summer break from college. All three children have no idea of Juan’s past affairs because Maria has kept them secret in order to prevent humility of both her husband, but of her children. Maria did not want the children to grow up in a broken home, so instead took the shame and hid it from the children. Maria lived a somewhat happy life being able to stay at home and raise the children while Juan worked. Maria also deals with depression from the affairs and the codependence she has grown with Juan. After sitting down with all three children during Tamar’s college break and explaining the decision of divorce, Sarah stormed out of the house in tears, Devin has shut down and will not speak to anyone, and Tamara seems unamused. Tamara turns to Maria and whispered to her that “I have always known he was up to no good”. Maria has scheduled an appointment for the family to see a counselor during this stressful time in order to better cope with the decision.