How does the arrangement of osteons in compact and spongy bone help with the function of the two types of bone?

1. How does the arrangement of osteons in compact and spongy bone help with the function of the two types of bone?
2. How does the concentric arrangement of lamellae help bone integrity?
3. Why is varying orientation of collagen between different lamellae important?
4. How does branching of osteocytes benefit bone function?
5. What type of cell junctions are found between osteocytes? Why is this important?
6. How do osteoblasts and osteoclasts help with appositional growth?
7. Compare and contrast effects of calcitonin and PTH on bone remodeling.
8. How does Vitamin D help regulate calcium levels?
9. Why is excretion of phosphate an appropriate response to low serum calcium?
10. Why do cartilageneous joints lack cavities?
11. Why are cavities important for synovial joints?
12. Can multiple joint types be found in the same organ? Provide an example.
13. Define joint stability and joint mobility. How are they related?
14. Extreme muscle tone can be harmful to some joints. How?
15. Why is exercise and physical activity vital to joint health?

1. How do the structures of the three types of muscle correlate with the magnitude of contraction strength?
2. Why is the nested arrangement of skeletal muscle units significant?
3. Name the three membranes in skeletal muscle units. What tissues are they made of? Why is this important?
4. What events complete the differentiation of skeletal muscle myocyte?
5. What are the major regions of a sarcomere?
6. What is the significance of striations in skeletal muscle histology?
7. What is the chemical significance of myoglobin in skeletal muscle?
8. Describe the major differences between resting potential and equilibrium potential.
9. Comment on the distribution of chemical and voltage gated channels in skeletal muscle.
10. Compare and contrast the function of chemically and voltage gated channels in skeletal muscle contraction.
11. What is the major difference between the closed and the inactivated state of the voltage gated sodium channel?
12. What are the major roles of calcium in skeletal muscle contraction?
13. How is chemical energy converted to mechanical energy in the myosin head?
14. What multiple roles does ATP play in skeletal muscle contraction?
15. Explain rigor mortis.
16. Muscle contraction is relatively faster (tension builds faster) than relaxation. Why?
17. How do motor units vary in coarsely and finely controlled muscles?
18. Explain the order of recruitment of skeletal muscle types.
19. How does tone affect the sarcomere?
20. Why do muscles contain a mix of the three types of skeletal muscle fibers?
21. Correlate the glycogen stores, mitochondrial number, color and vascularity between the different skeletal muscle types.
22. What are the differences between isotonic and isometric contraction?
23. What are the various sources of energy for skeletal muscle? How does this affect the rate of muscle contraction between the muscle types?
24. Define the two major types of cardiac and smooth muscle cells.
25. Why is wave summation critical in skeletal muscle contraction and is not possible in cardiac muscle?
26. How are contractile velocity and contractile duration related?
27. Explain the contractile velocity as it related to different loads.
28. Compare and contrast sarcomere arrangement in the three types of muscle cells.