You will write a Research Paper based on the Semiotic Analysis of your chosen Visual Text, explored in relation to one or more of the themes outlined in Part A (1. The ‘Other’ (race, gender, sexuality, disability); 2. Commodity Culture; 3. The Virtual World / The Spectacle).


Subject Name: Global Studies

Course Name: Bachelor of Design (Interior Design)
Weighting: 30%

1. Purpose
In this assignment, you will move beyond the specificity of design towards an understanding of its
place within, and relationship to, the broader field of Visual Culture in a globalised, 21C world. You
will learn not just how to see (as designers, you already do that), but how to analyse and understand
the many texts, visual, performative, and sonic, that circulate within a culture. You will also learn
how to identify the ideologies that underpin them. This assessment is designed to develop your
expertise as a responsible, critical, global design thinker.
2. Subject learning outcomes
This assessment relates to the following subject learning outcomes:
1. Identify key emerging ideas and issues and their impact on global design and current and
future designers.
2. Critically analyse and synthesise current design issues and theories and apply them to the
development of an original dissertation on a contemporary global design issue.
4. Conduct research and articulate findings with clear and concise expression in written, visual
and oral formats.
5. Edit and evaluate their own work and the work of others.
6. Extend your academic skills by writing and presenting a coherently structured paper that
applies critical thinking, analysis, interpretation, academic writing, citation and referencing.
Assessment: DEDES301A – Global Studies
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3. The Brief
Visual Culture Research Paper (30%) due Week 8
You will write a Research Paper based on the Semiotic Analysis of your chosen Visual Text, explored
in relation to one or more of the themes outlined in Part A (1. The ‘Other’ (race, gender, sexuality,
disability); 2. Commodity Culture; 3. The Virtual World / The Spectacle). It should address the
1. A clear and succinct introduction of your Visual Text and its genre.
2. An analysis of your chosen text using the terminology of Semiotics, elucidating the patterns and
meanings that emerged as you worked thoroughly with the text.
3. An understanding of the myth in operation in the text, and its relationship to ideology.
4. The use of theories from relevant literature to conduct a critical analysis of the visual text in
relation to the themes outlined in Part A.
5. A sound knowledge of research strategy.
6. A clear structure and command of written English expression: grammar, syntax, spelling
7. A comprehensive bibliography
Written submissions should be approximately 2,500 to 3000 words in length, excluding quotes and
bibliography, professionally presented (1 1⁄2 or double line spacing, margins, cover sheet) with
supporting visuals in an Appendix (not integrated with the text). No borders, no unreadable fonts.
The paper must include a minimum of eight (8) sources (books and journals, no Wikipedia!) and
show an understanding of academic standards and Harvard referencing criteria. All submissions
must comply with the requirements listed in the Subject Guide.
4. Submission Details
Visual Culture Research Paper (30%) due Week 8
You must submit your dissertation as a hard copy handed to your teacher at the beginning of class in
week 8, as well as electronically via Turnitin. Include your name, student number, the assessment
title, and submission date.

Ability to analyse a Visual Text in depth using semiotic techniques and terminology
Understanding of myth and its relationship to ideology within the text
Effective use of research into chosen theme/s to illuminate your understanding of the Visual Text
A clear essay structure and command of written English expression: grammar, syntax, spelling
In-text citations and a comprehensive bibliography referenced according to the Harvard System
Result HIGH