Hierarchy and power are intrinsic to the current health care system in Australia. Discuss this statement by drawing on sociological theories and concepts. Discuss how this may impact on you as a health practitioner.

Assessment Two : Submission Point
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Assessment Two
Essay covering the content of Modules 3, 4, 5 & 6
40% of the total grade
Due Date:
2359 ACST, Monday, Week 12 (8 October 2018)
2250 words, excluding references
Students should write an essay addressing the following topic:
Hierarchy and power are intrinsic to the current health care system in Australia. Discuss this statement by drawing on sociological theories and concepts. Discuss how this may impact on you as a health practitioner.
Students should read widely prior to completing the essay. This includes all required readings but should move beyond these to include other sources.
A bibliography is available on Learnline to help you with this process.
For any essay of this length you will need to include 9-11 references.
Majority of the references (7-9) should be based on journal articles, books, book chapters and peer reviewed papers. You can use websites but citations from Wikipedia are unacceptable.
Typically a good strategy is to use the set readings to cover the key sociological concepts and ideas and then if you are using an example issue (e.g. eating disorders or the effects of alcohol) do some further reading so that you have evidence relating to your chosen example.

Assessment Criteria:
The essay will be expected to address the following criteria:
Demonstrated understanding and application of appropriate sociological theories, concepts and perspectives
Application of sociological concepts in critical analysis.
Key concepts, debates and issues are identified and critical reflection is applied to the topic.
The topic is discussed in adequate depth and wide reading is evidenced in both the analysis and the examples utilised.
Evidence of wide reading
Essay reads well and is clear and concise
Adherence to academic conventions of essay writing (e.g. APA referencing; writing style)
Format must be consistent and legible.
Calibri, Arial or Helvetica font, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing and ample margins for written comments
Footer must contain your details: Surname, Initial, Unit Code, Assignment Name
e.g. Smith, J. HCS210 Assessment One
What feedback can you expect?
You will receive personalised written feedback on this assignment, as described in more detail for Assignment 1. The feedback sheet below is designed to give you clear information about what is required in the essay.
For the final essay your lecturer will provide updates on when the marking should be completed via the Announcements page on the Learnline site. The final assignment is subject to additional moderation and checking to ensure fairness, so it can take slightly longer than the first one to return to students.
As per the governing policy:
“Assessment tasks that are submitted after the due date without an approved extension will incur a penalty of 5% of the grade given, per day late. For example, an assessment task awarded 35% and is three days late, will be given a final grade of 30%.”
Source: PRO-113 Higher Education Assessment Procedures