Using the NSW Stage 6 PDHPE syllabus students are required to prepare a scope and sequence for HSC students based on a description of a school context.

Assessment task details



Students are required to design a) a scope and sequence, b) a series of learning experiences, and c) an HSC assessment task.

Part A: Scope & Sequence (10%)

Using the NSW Stage 6 PDHPE syllabus students are required to prepare a scope and sequence for HSC students based on a description of a school context. Students are to access the myschool website ( and select a secondary or K-12 school to use as a setting on which to base the design of their scope and sequence. Students are to include the profile statement of their school in their assessment task. In addition, students are required to prepare 250-300 word report that justifies the decisions regarding the selection and sequencing of Cores and Options, based on their school profile.

Part B: Learning Pathway (30%)

Using HSC Core 1 or HSC Option 1, 2 or 5 of the Stage 6 PDHPE syllabus students are required to design a series of ten (10) sequentially scaffolded learning experiences that:

  • are constructively aligned with the core/option syllabus outcomes and the Core/Option assessment;
  • incorporate opportunities for use of ICT;
  • addresses the elements of Intellectual Quality of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework;
  • uses stimulus material such as websites, YouTube clips, news stories, music, DVD excerpts to engage students in learning;
  • encourage higher order thinking, critical inquiry and practical application; and
  • assist in preparing students for the HSC examination.

Part C: Assessment Task (10%)

Students are required to prepare an assessment task for HSC Core 1, or Option 1, 2 or 5 of the Stage 6 PDHPE syllabus. The assessment task needs to:

  • include stimulus material to engage learners;
  • be carefully scaffolded using templates, retrieval charts, etc;
  • include standards referenced marking criteria;
  • thoroughly differentiate student achievement;
  • constructively align with the syllabus outcomes