Synthesis Papper

Synthesis Papper

Ethical Theories Synthesizing Essay: Of the 3 major ethical systems discussed in class (virtue, utilitarianism, deontology) which theory, if any would you say you identify most closely with and why? In a 3-4 page essay (approximately 900 words) discuss your personal ethical decision making process and how it relates to the others which have been studied. Feel free to draw upon your own personal experiences and unique perspectives.

Ethical Theories Synthesizing Essay: Of the 3 major ethical systems discussed in class (virtue, utilitarianism, deontology) which theory, if any would you say you identify most closely with and why? In a 3-4 page essay (approximately 900 words) discuss your personal ethical decision making process and how it relates to the others which have been studied. Feel free to draw upon your own personal experiences and unique perspectives.