Using the company’s country selection criteria as identified in Task 1c, identify a country that the company does not currently operate in but which you think may be attractive for the company to expand into imminently.

Assessment task details and instructions


You must structure your report in the same order as the assignment tasks set out below.

The word count for the report is 3000 words (+ / – 10%); indicative word counts for each task are set out below.

Times New Roman 12

Paragraph spacing 2

Harvard References system

Remember to number the pages, starting with the first page.


The 2018 BCG Global Challengers Report ( identifies 100 rapidly globalizing companies from 23 emerging markets who are growing faster than their counterparts in mature markets while capturing a growing global market share.


Referring to the 2018 BCG Report, select one of the Global Challengers listed on Page 9. You may choose the company for various reasons:


– they could be based in a country that you are familiar with

– they could be a player in – or potential threat to – your own industry

– they could be a company that you are familiar with as a customer

– they could be a company that you have a personal interest in learning more about.


Once you have selected one of the 100 Global Challengers, produce a report that addresses the 5 following tasks:



Research the company and provide a summary of:

  1. a) the company’s core business and the industry to which it belongs (suggestion – 1/2 page)
  2. b) the company’s position in its domestic market (suggestion – 1/2 page)
  3. c) the other countries in which the company currently operates: this could be presented in a table (for your own reference, try to identify the year in which the company entered each country and through which mode of entry e.g. acquisition, joint venture etcetera) (suggestion – 1/2 page)
  4. d) you must then identify and explain the general criteria that you believe were used by the company to select these countries to expand into (suggestion – 1.5 pages)
  • Worth 20% of the overall mark
  • Not included in the word count
  • This background analysis must be included as an appendix and must be no more than 3 pages in length



Using the company’s country selection criteria as identified in Task 1c, identify a country that the company does not currently operate in but which you think may be attractive for the company to expand into imminently.


Once you have selected a country, undertake a PESTEL analysis of the country’s macro-environmental factors that you believe to be of most relevance to the company – whether in terms of opportunities or threats – and explicitly discuss the implications of these macro-environmental factors for the company.


As an initial starting point for data collection for this task you may wish to consult the latest version of the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report.

  • Worth 20% of the overall mark
  • 750 words
  • This task must be presented in the 1st section of the main body of your report



Apply the 5-Forces model to critically analyse the competitive intensity of the industrial environment of the company in your chosen country market. A SWOT analysis is not acceptable.

  • Worth 20% of the overall mark
  • 750 words
  • This task must be presented in the 2nd section of the main body of your report.



Analyse the firm’s internal environment in order to EITHER:

  1. i) critically evaluate the resources and capabilities of the company and the competitive implications of these for the company when entering into your chosen country market (this will require an application of the VRIO framework)


  1. ii) identify the company’s internal value-adding activities and critically evaluate which of these will be most relevant in supporting the company to enter into your chosen country market (this will require an application of the Value Chain model).

A SWOT analysis for either option is not acceptable.

  • Worth 20% of the overall mark
  • 750 words
  • This task must be presented in the 3rd section of the main body of your report.



Critically evaluate the relevant modes of entry available to the company and recommend – with justification based on the findings of your analyses in Tasks 2, 3 & 4 above – the most suitable mode of entry that will enable this strategic international expansion to be a success for the company.

  • Worth 20% of the overall mark
  • 750 words

This task must be presented in the final section of the main body of your report; this will be your conclusion to the report.