Based on the issue/group you identified in your workplace assignment, you will be required to develop, implement and evaluate a systemic advocacy to address that issue, or benefit the identified group. If the group/issue you used is not appropriate, you can choose another group or issue. Please liaise with the teachers if you’d like to discuss the appropriateness of a group/issue.

Based on the issue/group you identified in your workplace assignment, you will be required to develop, implement and evaluate a systemic advocacy to address that issue, or benefit the identified group. If the group/issue you used is not appropriate, you can choose another group or issue. Please liaise with the teachers if you’d like to discuss the appropriateness of a group/issue.

Part A: Select and describe your group and/or issue
Select a group or issue identified in your workplace that experiences social inequality and/or discrimination. If possible, use the group/issue you identified in your health promotion campaign in the forum discussion answers. Other groups/issues you could consider are:
• Illicit drug users
• Eating disorders
• Bullying
• Domestic violence
• Euthanasia
• People with bi-polar disorder
• People with a dual diagnosis ( choose this group for this assignment)
• Young people
• Culturally and linguistically diverse people with mental health issues

1. Describe why you have chosen your group/issue.

2. Discuss how this issue is experienced by group members/the affected community and what impacts this may have.

Part B: Obtain, analyse and document information

1. Research from a variety of sources to explore the current situation in Australia. Then answer the following questions:

a) How is this group/issue being presented publicly?
b) Who are the key stakeholders relating to this group/issue?
c) What sorts of needs have been expressed, understood or observed relating to this group/issue?
d) What are the specific range of issues affecting the client group?
e) What is the context and relationship of client issues to community, society and government policy?
2. Identify the structural, political and other social factors which affect the group/issue – things that require systemic change (rather than individuals). You will use this as the basis of your systems advocacy strategy.

Part C: Stakeholder consultation and needs identification
1. Consult with key stakeholders to identify issues and needs. You could do this in a number of ways:

– Consult with members of the group and/or affected community to identify issues and concerns.
– Facilitate meetings with the group or affected community to develop strategies for action.
– Pursue opportunities to advocate, mediate and negotiate through community organisations and government agencies.
– Represent client issues within broacher social, political and community structures.
– Identify one (1) opportunity for improved service delivery within the organisation and provide recommendation(s) for change.

If you are not able to actually undertake community consultation, you need to provide a discussion of how you would go about consulting with the community and a description or list of who you would consult with and why.

2. Based on your research and consultation, identify the social-political issues that need changing.
For example, methamphetamine users can develop significant health issues if their use becomes problematic.
Socio-politically, there is a significant increase in media reporting and panic surrounding methamphetamine use in Australia. In addition, treatment services and hospitals are not yet equipped to address the specific needs of methamphetamine intoxication or withdrawal. Lastly, stigma towards meth users has increased significantly, with many reporting a fear of accessing treatment and support services due to judgemental reactions from clinicians. It could be argued that this is a cultural issue that needs addressing.

Part D: Advocate for and facilitate the implementation of strategies developed to address the identified needs
Provide a description of how you implemented or will implement your systems advocacy strategy to satisfy the identified needs. This might include:
• Preparing submissions for resources to implement identified strategies, projects and action plans;
• Contributing to relevant government policy development;
• Working with consumers and other stakeholders to implement relevant projects and action plans;
• Pursuing opportunities and provide comments on policy documents, legislation, project plans and other relevant documents relating to client rights and interests; and
• Organising protests and petitions.
You are required to provide documentary evidence of these strategies and/or a list of recommended strategies and the reason you chose that strategy/strategies as the most appropriate or effective way to achieve your outcomes/intended outcomes.

Part E: Contribute to service improvements (and improve coordination between services)
Describe how you reported the outcome of your strategy, as well as any recommendations arising from the strategy, to those you consulted with and your workplace:
• Gather feedback from key stakeholders on access, effectiveness of services, satisfaction, service gaps and areas for improvement.
• Provide information about identified needs, possible improvements and recommendations for change to organisation and other relevant parties.

Part F: Evaluate outcomes
Provide a discussion evaluating the effectiveness of your systems advocacy strategy including the following:
a) Was the outcome of the advocacy strategy in line with the original objectives?
b) What lessons were learned and what changes should be made?
c) What opportunities exist or can be created for continued improvement and any additional strategies?