Compose a 3-4 page rhetorical analysis of Michael Kimmel’s article from Language Awareness. Focus on discussing aspects of the rhetoric rather than summarizing or critiquing the topic.

Prompt: Compose a 3-4 page rhetorical analysis of Michael Kimmel’s article from Language Awareness. Focus on discussing aspects of the rhetoric rather than summarizing or critiquing the topic.
Format: MLA format, Submitted through Blackboard Safe Assignment

Focus: You should dedicate a section of your essay to each area of rhetoric below, quoting or summarizing specific passages in MLA format to support your discussion. Your goal is to explain to an audience how and where the author uses elements of rhetoric and argue how effectively the author uses elements of rhetoric.
Remember, an analysis is an argumentative essay. It will have an introduction, a thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your thesis is going to focus on how much and how effectively the author uses the various elements of rhetoric. All sections have to be supported by direct evidence cited from the article. You may choose to write about each aspect in any order, but all 4 areas below and the questions posed below need to be discussed in your essay.
Aspects of Rhetoric
1. Audience
Discuss: who is the intended audience, how / where does the author indicate this, how is the author’s language (vocab, syntax, grammar) appropriate to his audience, is this the best audience for the author’s Purpose? Quote / summarize specific examples from the text to support your argument.

2. Purpose
Discuss: what is the author’s goal, how / where does the author make this known, is the author’s goal appropriate for his chosen audience, is the purpose clear? Quote specific examples from the text to support your argument.

3. Situation
Discuss: what is the author’s situation, how / where does the author make this known, is the situation clear, does the author’s argument logically follow the situation?

4. Claims and appeals
Discuss: what is the author’s thesis? What are some of the author’s minor claims? Discuss specific examples of how the author uses logos, ethos, and pathos to support his claims throughout the article.