Panera Case Study

As a CEO of the Panera Bread Company his vision is to focus on competitive advantage rather than financial success for the company. He believes in the creation of an experience that is more enjoyable by the customers and getting the company ready for the future. Preparation for the company’s future begins with observation and research in order to understand the customers’ needs (Leigh, 2014). The strategy is what made the Panera Company to succeed both in the market and financially. According to Ron, being innovative, protecting discovery, painting the pictures of the future and understanding the needs of the customers is what is required from a CEO of a company like Panera Bread. The role of the work is to demonstrate the CEO Ronald Shaich’s Vision for Panera Bread.

The management of Panera Company led by the CEO Ronald Shaichhad a vision of enhancing the company’s technological advancement, competitive position, seek further growth opportunities, drive operational efficiency, embrace innovative marketing and upgrade its stores format. It was the vision of the CEO to ensure that the company encouraged its customers frequently purchase their products from the company and perceive the products and the pricing strategies match the quality of the products manufactured (Leigh, 2014). He hoped that the company would accumulate enough market force that would enable it to become a world leader in providing intelligence solutions to the customers.  The CEO passion for the company in adoption of the modern technological systems which would advance the company technologically proved that Mr. Ronald Shaich was a visionary leader as the company has remain successful in many areas for a long period of time.

According to Ron Shaich, the CEO of the Panera Bread, the company has digitalized its marketing systems which enable the customers to place their order online. The company has also established non-profit chain cafes where the customers may place orders of the breads they can afford to pay.  The CEO believes that there are two parts of the business which are delivery and discovery. He suggests that the language of discovery is actually the language of imagination for the business. Moreover, the language of delivery is the language of accounting and numbers.  The most significant for a CEO like him is to protect the discovery process for the company. In conclusion, based on his vision he believes that Panera Bread Company will remain competitive and financially capable in the future in United States and Canada markets.


Leigh, B. (2014). The CEO’s Most Important Job, According to Panera’s Ron Shaich. Retrieved from :