Free speech

Free speech

1.)Introductory paragraph that provides a brief background regarding free speech and introduces the main thesis.
2.)In-depth discussion of the implications for federalism related to free speech
Explain how and why federalism has a positive and negative impact on free speech.
Provide one real-world positive example.
Provide one real-world negative example.
Utilize the Constitution, established case law, and scholarly sources to support your explanation.
3.)In-depth discussion of the implications for civil rights related to free speech.
Explain how and why civil rights are positively and negatively affected by free speech.
Provide one real-world positive example.
Provide one real-world negative example.
Utilize the Constitution, established case law, and scholarly sources to support your explanation.
4.)In-depth discussion of the implications for civil liberties related to free speech.
Explain how and why civil liberties are positively and negatively affected by free speech.
Provide one real-world positive example.
Provide one real-world negative example.
Utilize the Constitution, established case law, and scholarly sources to support your explanation.
5.)Concluding paragraph that summarizes the main findings and restates the thesis.
The paper must be at least 11 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least six scholarly resources (at least five of which can be found in the Ashford University Library) other than the textbook to support your claims.