
Background and purpose

The explanation of the meaning of compassion begins with a demonstration of an encounter with a homeless woman. The homeless woman is among other homeless people in the street who are drug users and who keeps borrowing money from the strangers who pass by. The story illustrates how I used to turn them down every time I had an encounter with them.  Being compassionate with the homeless enabled me to learn how to control my anger and mood in order to accommodate the homeless at all the time. I came to learn that being compassionate to the homeless is more than giving them money is no longer a short or long term solution (Alex, 2013). The researcher’s hypothesis is to illustrate that compassionate is being sympathetic and empathetic to the needy and homeless at the same time.

Summary and description of the methods

Compassionate is all about being empathetic and sympathetic. According to the study empathy is all about responding to other people’s emotions with similar emotions where as sympathy is about having regrets for suffering people. Nevertheless, compassionate is caring for other people happiness as if they belong to those of one-self (Alex, 2013).  Compassionate is not all about giving people all what they demand from us, sacrificing ourselves, being consistently gently, expectance of rewards or liking everyone. Compassionate is all about having unconditional acceptance, enduring, being courageous and taking action.

The age of the population studied in establishing the meaning of compassion is that of grown up because the researcher encountered regularly with the homeless woman. The researcher expresses the meaning of being compassionate to others and the meaning of being compassionate through an encounter with a homeless woman. Despite using the encountered woman she site men being the major population of the homeless and the greatest drug users. Depending on a case study done in Munich Germany, about 95 % of the homeless men in the street suffered from mental disorder as a result of substance abuse (Alex, 2013). As a result many people in the street gave this homeless money as a way of being compassionate to them but I do believe that the best way to show compassionate to them is being compassionate to them. The length of intervention was around six months because the research stated that she used to seen and encounter with the old homeless women in her vicinity.

Results of the study

The study found that compassionate is all about endurance, having unconditional acceptance, being courageous at all time and taking action even when uncalled for.  Nevertheless, compassionate is not all about giving people all they want, making sacrifices, always being gentle, receiving rewards for our actions and liking everyone. The results were unexpected because what many people believed to be compassionate was actually the opposite. The findings of the study were significant because it enabled the researcher to expand his knowledge of compassion to others (Alex, 2013). According to the researcher, being compassionate to others is one of the most joyful experiences for human beings available. It is impossible for one to be happy while all others in the surrounding are unhappy. The finding of the study indicates that compassionate cures social awkwardness. The results of the study finding enabled us to believe that enlightenment is possible within the society and people in the society shall be enlighten they will be full of compassion. The results and the finding of the study could be applied to a larger population in all sectors such as in the religious arena and in the society.



Key points

Compassionate is not all about being sympathetic or empathetic to others but is all about being both.

Compassion is all about becoming a force for good.

Enlightenment is possible and that enlightenment is compassion.


Alex, L. (2013). Happiness of the world: What it means to be compassionate and why we should try to be it. New York Publishers.