Program Evaluation


Educational evaluation is a process in which the management, educational systems and the students are assessed in order to establish whether they have the potential to perform as the educational organization expects them to perform.  Educational organization are the most sensitive organizations in the globe which necessitates regular evaluation in order to alter the systems and the process of offering the education curriculum and ensure the student who undergo through the pre-determined systems acquire the best skills and knowledge( Amy, 2014). The world today is so much competitive and required the students to be well equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge in order for them to compete in the overcrowded job market. The role of the educational plan is to evaluate the effectiveness and the efficient of the high education programs and the grades attained by the students.

Program identification

The education evaluation plan aims at investigating the grade level obtained in foreign languages in the undergraduate level. During the foreign languages evaluation process it is important for the researcher to understand the underlying principles of the program. Since the foreign languages are complex and challenging they are hard to teach and learn in the undergraduate level (Rose, 2009). Therefore, it is always important for the research to evaluate why the program is of importance, the resources required to complete the program successfully and the necessary supervision required by the management in order to ensure the undergraduate students attain the best grades possible.

The purpose of evaluation

The goal of the evaluation is to establish whether the undergraduate students studying foreign languages are in a better position to acquire the basic skills and knowledge in regard to the foreign languages being taught in the university. The evaluation plan aims at establishing whether the students are at a better position of learning, adapting, researching and analyzing the various aspects associated in the field of foreign languages teaching (Rose, 2009). The plan also evaluate the level of supervision and teaching offered by the lecturers in ensuring that the students acquire the foreign languages skills and knowledge with ease. During the evaluation process it is of great importance to evaluate the efficiency of the education systems within the university which will basically ensure that the necessary curriculum and syllabus are taught in the university.

Elements and activities associated with the program

Accountability, leadership, hard work and motivation are the major elements associated with the evaluation of the foreign language in a university program. Accountability is a major element in the field of learning where the students, administration and the lecturers needs to be accountable in their roles in order to ensure that the right goals and objectives in attaining high grades are obtained ( Amy, 2014). Leadership is of essence in the educational development strategy because it provides properly driven data that facilitates planned learning. Evaluation of the leadership status of the institution ensures that there is credibility of the teaching and learning program. It is the role of the teachers and the management to encourage the student to work hard in order to be in position to acquire the basic knowledge and skills while studying foreign languages. The program evaluation shall involve assessment, improvement and implementation of the basic skills taught in classroom.

Persons to be included as participants

The undergraduate foreign languages students would be the best participants of the study because they are the ones going through the curriculum and the university systems. The student will assist in evaluating the efficiency of the system being used in order to pass knowledge and skills from the lecturers to the students (Morris, 2015). The lecturers and management would also be proper participants for the study. The lecturers understand the challenges encountered by them and the students in their attempt to acquire the best grades in the foreign languages subjects. The management would be used to assess the appropriate actions and systems being put in place in order to enable the students enjoy their learning and acquire the appropriate grades.

Survey research design

How long have you being studying the foreign languages?

How many are you in the foreign languages class?

How do you assess the level of teaching in the foreign language class?

Do you believe the right systems and teaching techniques are used by the lecturers?

Are there motivational packaged offered to encourage foreign languages students to perform well?

Is the management concerned with the performance of both the lecturers and the students?



Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Planning for evaluation            
  Collecting the necessary material for evaluation          
    Grouping the participants of the study        
      Interviewing the participants assessment the data collected    
          Analyzing the data ACTUAL results of the study

How the data might be used

The graduation data of the undergraduate foreign languages student would be used to establish the efficiency of the learning systems and its compatibility with the students. The graduation data would go hand in hand with the student retention. High student retention in the university will demonstrate that they are motivated to learn and the system allows them to acquire the knowledge and skills with ease in comparison to low retention (Peter, 2011). High student persistence proves that the students are satisfied with the services being offered by the university while low student persistent would be clear indication of student being unsatisfied with the administration and the systems of teaching within the university. High productivity from the faculty is a clear indication of sufficient education to teach and learn foreign language in the university while low productivity indicates poor management, inadequate resources and poor reading and teaching habits among the students and lecturers within the faculty.


Amy , J. (2014). Program Evaluation: An introduction to evidence-based research. Cengage learning.

Peter, K. (2011). Handbook of practical program evaluation. New York Publishers.

Morris, O. (2015). Program evaluation in practice: Core concepts and examples for discussion and analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Rose, A. (2009). Timeless techniques for program and project managers (Vol. 56). John Wiley & Sons.