Homeland Security’s highest risk

various strategic challenges were identified and found within the Department of Homeland Security’s 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. For this assignment, you are to select one of these six listed risks to focus upon. Regarding the strategic challenge you have selected, explain the nature of the threat and the specific challenges it poses to the nation. Also, fully explain what steps the Federal government has/is implementing in order to meet this challenge.

(Note: The six strategic challenges are: The terrorist threat, cyber threats, biological concerns, nuclear terrorism, transnational criminal organizations and natural hazards. Do not confuse these with the Department of Homeland Security’s five missions)
4-5 pages total, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font. Title page, abstract (if used) and reference pages do not count towards the required page count.
Sources: You are not limited to the assigned readings within this course for your research. Research outside of assignment readings is encouraged. You must use and document in your paper, a minimum of five academically acceptable resources for this assignment.
Citations/References: You must use the APA Reference List (Parenthetical) style for this assignment.