respond the following (4) Discussion posts by either agreeing or disagreeing and why. Use 100 words and two sources each.

respond the following (4) Discussion posts by either agreeing or disagreeing and why. Use 100 words and two sources each.

When it comes to relationships at work things can be hard. In order to make things work out there has to be an understanding and lots of compromising. Good relationships at work will help you get along well with people and help you to do your job better. Showing respect, understanding the feelings of others, having a good attitude, and knowing have to actively listen are all ways to establish and manage good relationships in the workplace (7 Interpersonal, 2017). Strong relationships with the people you work with will help you succeed in the workplace. If things are made difficult when trying to work together as a team nothing gets accomplished and it makes the task ten times harder. If one is not able to work together this makes it hard for the company to be successful because when there are problems with workers within the company there work is affected and this leads to a problem with production within the company. One a relationship is established with an individual and you learn a person you know how to act when in the presence of that person. You know how to handle different situations when they arise. One has to know that they cannot handle everyone the same way. Once you learn an individual it becomes easier to give direction and work with that person.


7 Interpersonal & Social Skills for the Workplace. (2017, April 30). Retrieved from