Describe Susannah’s background and personality. What was the dilemma that Susannah faced and what were her options? How did Daniel rescue Susannah?

In order to understand Jesus’ treatment of women, we need to understand the Jewish view/s of women in his time. For more information on some of the sources mentioned in the lecture, go to the following sites and read the sections indicated:

Judith: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Read the introduction, skim through chapters 1-7 and then read from chapter 8.

Susanna: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Read the entire story; it’s short.

Ben Sira: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Read the introduction and Ben Sira 25:13-26; 26:1-4, 13-18; 42:9-14.

Babatha: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Read the article.
Discussion Questions

Describe Susannah’s background and personality. What was the dilemma that Susannah faced and what were her options? How did Daniel rescue Susannah?
From the story of Judith, identify the following characters: Holofernes, Joakim, Uzziah, Achior. What roles do they play relative to Judith? Finally, are they seen more in terms of their relationships with her or is she seen more in terms of her relationships with them?
Unlike Judith and Susannah who were fictional characters, Babatha lived a very real life during tempestuous times. What do we learn about the rights and limitations women faced in the late first and early second centuries?
Was Ben Sira misogynistic? What specifically is the difference for Ben Sira between a good wife/daughter and a bad one?
How significant was Mary Magdalene in the ministry of Jesus? Did you read anything in the assignments that makes you think differently than before?