Lesson Plan
Decimal addition and subtraction– Students will be presented with numbers to allow them add and subtract figures with place values from tenths to hundredths to thousandths
Integer’s addition– Here, learners will be allowed to use the heterogeneous groups of cereals to make additions and subtraction of both negative and positive integers and should help them visualize how numerical cancel out each other.
Constructing nets of 3 dimensional objects– In this section, students must be able make concrete constructions that should assist in understanding net concepts. Also, being able to pick objects that can easily be spread out flat will be much easier to understand constructions in concrete terms rather than abstract.
Drawing graphs; this lesson will basically introduce students to the concept of graphing. The instructor will provide necessary guidance to students during graph developments while at the same time working with them to develop significant graph questions. A worksheet that is created by the teacher can be used to reinforce the concept of graphing at the end of the activity
Estimating– Students will make estimation of mathematical concepts that are related to cost of purchase and time needed to develop such costs.
More or less– this form of activity will enable students work in pairs to increase understanding of the concept. The teacher will develop a game that further introduces the more or less concept.
Finding diameter, radius and circumference– this particular activity demands that students measure the radius, diameter and circumference of circles. Students will be empowered with the idea of stretching out the circle so that the idea of circumference may be concrete. Learners will make use of classroom desks, chairs and even themselves to understand this concept.
Plotting points on graph– With provision of graph papers, learners will use familiar instruments to make points on graph developments. As they develop graphical points, learners will also practice the concept of making other students understand coordinate points.
Reflective analysis
The fundamental approaches of teaching and learning of mathematical procedures receive development from three major psychological perspectives that focus on human learning. Social constructivist perspective makes emphasizes on mathematical learning process to both not only an individual process but a process of social construction. It is evident that in the plan mentioned above, instructors not only ensure that individuals pick up concepts by themselves but equally tries to ensure that students work is group to enhance social learning skills as well. The approach of cognitive science in understanding mathematical aspects has also been developed to emphasize on representation of the basic nature of knowledge (Wood, Cobb & Yackel 1993). Mathematics involves the use of numbers, objects and structures that should enhance mathematical representation and therefore instructors can use different forms of cognitive representation to give account of mathematical procedures. To bring a change to the plan, I will include field activities that can also aim in increasing transfer of mathematical concepts.
For example, in the above plan it is evident that instructors have managed to develop numerous forms of structures to represent mathematical concepts and enhance understanding. The use of classroom desks, students’ themselves, classroom chairs shows signs of exceptional cognitive representation. The aspect of sociocultural approach can be used to enhance mathematical learning as well. This approach majors on the emphasis of effort to present mathematical concepts within activities that are organized by culture (English & Harford 1995). Since education is a socialization process on its own, it is critical for students to involve themselves in social interaction with other students to be able to increase their knowledge. From the plan developed, students have been enabled to work in pairs during certain mathematical lectures and this allows them to share different levels of understanding (Vygotsky 1978).