For Short Answers One & Two: You can use a movie or television show if you are not familiar enough with Theatrical plays or musicals. However, do not use one of the plays mentioned in this Chapter in the textbook.

WHAT: Two Short Answer / Two Essay

Please read Chapter Three in its entirety.

For Short Answers One & Two: You can use a movie or television show if you are not familiar enough with Theatrical plays or musicals. However, do not use one of the plays mentioned in this Chapter in the textbook.

What is a good example of a modern-day Tragedy? Why? Cite reasons from the textbook.
Of course, I would love it if every student chose a work of Theatre (a play or musical) but it is acceptable to choose a work of Cinema (a movie or even a narrative television show is okay) for this answer and the next.
HINT: Do not choose the movie Titantic. Yes, it is a tragedy — and not just because the internet says it is — but I am sooo tired of this answer.

What is a good example of a modern-day Comedy? Why? Cite reasons from the textbook.
HINT: Regarding The Hangover or Bridesmaids… same as Titanic. Boring answer! Comedy is as popular in the modern United States as it has ever been in human history. You’ve had plenty of exposure to it. Come up with an answer on your own!

When it comes to Theatre, what is the meaning of the term: Style?
After watching the presentation in the attached Supplemental Material, please include one link to demonstrate just one example of one of the Theatrical Styles discussed.

ESSAY TWO – The Six Elements of Drama [Theatre]
Note: There is much to cover in this essay.
In this chapter, you are going to read about Aristotle’s Six “Elements of Drama.” They are 1) PLOT, 2) CHARACTER, 3) THOUGHT, 4) DICTION, 5) MUSIC and 6) SPECTACLE in order of importance. After you feel that you are clear on these terms and what they mean to and in a work of theatre, please watch the play in the link below. After you have watched (and hopefully chuckled at) this complete — though only twelve minutes in length — piece of Theatre, please explore each one of Aristotle’s Six Elements as they apply to this play. You will want to not only report on what you have seen and heard but you will want to share your personal opinion as to how each of Aristotle’s elements is represented in this play.
This production is deceptively simple but there might be more to Elements Four, Five and Six than what immediately meets the eye or ear. Even so, do not be afraid to state the obvious. Just make sure that you state it intelligently and address how each of these elements is represented according to Aristotle.
Sure Thing, a One Act Play by David Ives. Performed by The Williamsburg Theatre Company.