topic For your discipline-focused controversial issue paper, prepare a bibliography consisting of five sources (scholarly articles) with accompanying annotations.

topic For your discipline-focused controversial issue paper, prepare a bibliography consisting of five sources (scholarly articles) with accompanying annotations. Please use the APA style of documentation, modeling your bibliography after the example given to you in class, on the web, and in your textbooks.  Three of the five scholarly or professional journal articles that must come from Shaw’s Library’s online databases

Format Must be typed and double-spaced. Each annotation will include the following:  correctly formatted APA citation  brief summary, including main idea and supporting points (4-6 sentences)  at least one quotation from the source that ties into your summary or evaluation of the article  appropriate parenthetical documentation (In-text citation)for quoted material (use APA style).  author’s background, including professional experience and other publications (1-2 sentences)  evaluation of the article itself (how it is written), including the author’s use of sufficient evidence from credible sources, bias, and consideration of the opposing point of view (1-2 sentences)  explanation of how you will you use this source in your essay (1 sentence)

The bibliography will be arranged in alphabetical order, double-spaced, and include roughly 1 source per page. See below for a sample entry.
Purpose To help you develop skills in research, evaluation of sources, organizing research, and identifying main ideas and supporting information. This annotated bibliography will help you decide which sources and which arguments are pertinent to the position you plan to discuss in your next paper. It will also help you learn to follow APA Style. It is designed to assess students’ ability to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
Critical and Analytical Reading a. Analyze and evaluate the elements and strategies of an argument b. Analyze and evaluate different kinds of arguments c. Analyze logical fallacies d. Analyze and evaluate the rhetorical context of an argument e. Analyze and evaluate an author’s tone, intent, attitude, and bias f. Analyze and evaluate arguments in different professional fields and academic disciplines

Writing a. Locate, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize primary and/or secondary sources for use in argumentation b. Integrate and document primary and/or secondary sources effectively APA documentation formats c. Use evidence from research to support a claim

1st Draft: February 28, 2018 Peer Review: February 28, 2018 Final Draft: March 9, 2018

Grading A Paper Annotation articulately and clearly identifies the main ideas and supporting points of each source and assesses the source’s usefulness.

Quotations are well chosen, introduced, and correctly documented.

Follows correct APA format.

Remains free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Contains all of the required elements.

B Paper Accomplishes all of the above to a lesser extent.

C Paper Contains one or more of the following problems:

Annotation fails to identify main points or supporting ideas or to critically assess the source.

Quotations are ineffective, unintroduced, or incorrectly documented.

There are errors in APA format.

There are many grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Does not contain all of the required elements.

D Paper Includes two or more of the problems listed under C Paper.

F Paper Contains many of the problems listed under C Paper.